Plenary Lecture
Exact Responses of Nonlinear Systems under Nonstationary Random Excitations

Professor C. W. Solomon To
Co-Authors: J. Fu, X. Zhang
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering
University of Nebraska
N104 Scott Engineering Center
Lincoln, Nebraska 68588-0656
E-mail: cto2@unl.edu
Abstract: The
developments of jet and rocket propulsion systems have introduced problems
in mechanical and structural vibrations since the 1940's. The intensive
pressure fields produced by these systems can only be analyzed statistically
because of their irregular time histories. In parallel, many modern
structural systems such as tall buildings, structures that house nuclear
reactors, naval undersea and surface systems must be designed to withstand
various natural and man-made intensive loadings that have to be treated as
nonstationary random processes. The intensive random excitations include
earthquake loadings, pressure waves of explosions, continuous atmospheric
turbulences, and extreme ocean waves. Owing to the high intensities of these
loadings, linear analytical techniques can not be employed in this class of
mechanical and structural vibration problems. Thus, over the years much
efforts have been exerted by many researchers on providing analytical
techniques in dealing with the aforementioned class of problems.
It is interesting to point out that to-date no exact solution seems to be
available to systems with nonlinearities involving velocity as well as
displacement and under nonstationary random excitation. Of course, there are
various approximate techniques presented in the literature. The main
objective of this paper is, however, to present a method for determining
exact responses of nonlinear systems under nonstationary random excitations.
For demonstration of the simplicity as well as correctness of the method,
the van der Pol-Duffing oscillator under a nonstationary random excitation
that is treated as a time modulated zero mean Gaussian white noise process
is included in this presentation. Selected computed results are provided and
compared with those generated by the Monte Carlo simulation algorithm. It is
concluded that for the first time a simple method is available to provide
exact solutions of general nonlinear systems with nonlinearities involving
velocity as well as displacement and under nonstationary random excitations.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. To obtained his doctoral degree in sound and vibration studies from
the University of Southampton in April 1980. He is currently a professor
in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at the University of
Nebraska (UNL). Prior to joining UNL he was a professor (1994-96) and an
associate professor (1986-94) at the University of Western Ontario. He
was an associate professor (1985-86) and an assistant professor
(1982-85) at the University of Calgary. Between 1982 and 1992 he was a
University Research Fellow of the Natural Sciences and Engineering
Research Council, Canada. He was a Research Fellow at the Institute of
Sound and Vibration Research (ISVR), University of Southampton during
his doctoral degree studies. After his doctoral degree studies he worked
briefly in the Wolfson Unit of the ISVR on machinery noise and vibration
problems of drop hammers, and vibration diagnostics in helicopters of
the Royal Navy before moving to the University of Calgary. His main
academic interests are in nonlinear stochastic structural dynamics,
nonlinear finite element analysis with particular reference to laminated
composite plates and shells, nonlinear dynamics and control, and
mechanics of carbon nano-tubes.