Plenary Lecture
Applied Engineering on Biosystems

Professor J. A. M. Felippe de Souza
Department of Electromechanical Engineering
UBI - University Beira Interior
E-mail: felippe@ubi.pt
In the last few years the advances
done in the fields of Mathematics, Engineering and Computer Science have
enabled an inter-relationship and a multitude of techniques of varied
disciplines; out of which one can point out the automation in the
resolution of processes in several areas. Particularly, the area of
Biosystems has been receiving more and more importance every year in the
activities either related to human health, or related to the
environment. Computational simulation techniques applied to mathematical
models of epidemiology, immunology, infectionology and public health
have been updated and improved with the use of new contemporary tools
such as neural networks, genetic algorithms, fuzzy logics and digital
With respect to the environment, the growing discussions about the
global warming has allowed and also opened some space for the
introduction and the adaptation of mathematical and computational models
in Biosystems for simulating possible scenarios, for the strategic
investment analysis and also for the process optimization. Here it is
shown some examples where there is an alliance between new technologies
and the recent year’s theoretic mathematical development in order to get
an exchange of new experiences that will produce an extensive debate and
the establishment of ideas in the domain of Biosystems worldwide.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Professor Felippe de Souza has concluded his PhD in Engineering at
University of Warwick, England, UK, in 1983. He is the Editor of 3 books
in the area of Control Systems and Automatic Control; he has been the
Vice-President of SBA (Brazilian Society for Automatic Control, the NMO
of IFAC in Brazil) from 1987 to 1989; and also the Vice-President of
APCA (Portuguese Association for Automatic Control, the NMO of IFAC in
Portugal) from 2004 to 2008. He has also been the Head of the Dept of
Control & Energy Conversion, Electronics Division at ITA (Aeronautic
Institute of Technology, in Brazil) from 1988 to 1989 and, at UBI
(University Beira Interior, in Portugal) where he currently holds a
position, he has been the Head of the Dept of Electromechanical
Engineering, the Head of the Scientific Council of the Faculty of
Engineering and Member of the Senate.
Professor Felippe de Souza has over 90 papers published in Journals and
International Conferences; has been a regular referee of papers for
several International Journals; and he has been visiting Professor for
short periods, and also given Mini-courses, in the following American
Universities: USC, University of Southern California (1990), UCLA,
University of California at Los Angeles (1990 and 1992), Virginia Tech
(1990 and 1992) and University of Maryland, Baltimore (1986 and 1992);
and also, in France, for one year, at LAAS, Laboratoire d’Analyse et
d’Architecture des Systemes, in Toulouse (2002-2003).