Plenary Lecture
Scientific Visualization for 3-Dimensional Geometric
Design of Highways

Associate Professor Manoj K.
Center for Advanced Transportation and Infrastructure Engineering
Department of Civil Engineering
Morgan State University
1700 East Cold Spring Lane, Baltimore, MD 21251
Abstract: Scientific
visualization is an interdisciplinary branch of science primarily concerned
with the visualization of three dimensional (3D) phenomena (engineering,
architectural, meteorological, medical, biological, etc.), where the
emphasis is on realistic renderings of volumes, surfaces, illumination
sources, and so forth, perhaps with a dynamic (time) component. In this
presentation we demonstrate the application of scientific visualization for
3D geometric design of highways. Typically, roads are designed by combining
horizontal and vertical roadway alignments, to allow for adequate sight
distance for driver comfort and safety. The traditional process of checking
for adequate sight distance ahead of a driver is manual as it is performed
by a manual check along the horizontal and vertical roadway alignments.
Further, conventional horizontal and vertical alignment design follow a
sequential process, i.e., design of horizontal and vertical alignments is
carried out in separate stages; typically horizontal alignment is obtained
first and a vertical alignment is subsequently fitted which may lead to
inaccurate sight distances along the roadway. For example, a section of a
road with a vertical crest curve and a sharp horizontal curve together will
lead to an illusion of the availability of a larger sight distance when
driving. With the proposed visualization methodology the sight distance is
calculated using a 3-dimensional (3D) road surface, a solid cone, and a
rectangular plane. The 3D cone with its vertex at a height ‘h' from the road
surface and line of height parallel to the tangent of the road centreline is
moved along the roadway at regular intervals. The intersection of the road
surface with the cone is used to obtain the intersected surface. The
variation of the tangents along the intersected surface is used to obtain
the profile of the intersected road surface centreline. A variable
rectangular plane is used over the intersected road surface to calculate the
sight distance. Given the 3D road centreline, a visualization-based method
is described to establish the road surface. Mathematical formulations to
calculate the 3D surface and sight distance are presented and the method is
applied in an example study. The presentation concludes with the discussion
of the application of the proposed visualization method for full-scale
efficient roadway sight distance measurement as well as directions for
future research.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. Manoj K. Jha is Associate Professor and Founding Director of the Center
for Advanced Transportation and Infrastructure Engineering Research (CATIER)
in the department of civil engineering at the Morgan State University,
Baltimore, MD, USA. He obtained a Ph.D. in Civil Engineering with
transportation specialization from the University of Maryland, College Park
in 2000; a M.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the Old Dominion
University in 1993; and a B.E. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the
National Institute of Technology, Durgapur, India in 1991. He also attended
the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute during 1993-94 as a Ph.D. student in
Mechanical Engineering and Virginia Tech.'s National Capital campus as a
post doctoral fellow during 2000-2001.
Dr. Jha's research interests are in investigating mathematic foundation of
artificial intelligence-based optimization algorithms, and highway route
optimization and visualization. For his scholastic and research achievements
Dr. Jha has received several awards, among which are the 2007 National
Science Foundation (NSF) Small Technology Transfer Research (STTR) award;
2005 and 2006 United Negro College Funds Special Program/Department of
Defense (UNCFSP/DoD) Faculty Development Award; 2005 Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) Summer Faculty Research award by the Study of Terrorism and
Responses to Terrorism (START) Center of Excellence, University of Maryland,
College Park, and 2005 NSF-PASI-TS (National Science Foundation's
Pan-American Advanced Study Institute on Transportation Sciences) award by
the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He is a registered Professional
Engineer in the State of Maryland since 1997.
Dr. Jha has served as a PI, Co-PI, or collaborator with other researchers on
numerous research project totaling over $4 million. The key sponsoring
agencies of his research projects include Army Research Lab., Maryland State
Highway Administration, Federal Highway Administration, National Science
Foundation, and several Baltimore area consulting firms. Dr. Jha has
authored (or co-authored) more than 90 articles in journals, books, and
conference proceedings in the highway design, optimization, and
transportation literature. He has also co-authored 2 books on road design
entitled "Intelligent Road Design" and "Fundamentals of Road Design."