Plenary Lecture
A Generalized Mathematical Model for the Analysis of Sediment Basins

Professor Razvan Raducanu
Al. I. Cuza University
Department of Mathematics
E-mail: rrazvan.raducanu@gmail.com
Abstract: There is
a process of compactenss of sediments in geological time determined by
the subsidence of the sedimentation basin. This process is accompanied
by a modifcation of the sediments porosity and a variation of their
thickness. The determination of the decompacted thickness of the
sediments is crucial for the analysis of the sedimentation basins in
order to evaluate the subsidence and the sedimentation rate. The present
paper elaborates a general method for the study and analysis of the
porosity variation and sediment thickness in geological time.Our case
study points out the fact that exponent of the variation law can have
rational values, depending upon the analyzed sediment. The proposed
mathematical model brings a substantial improuvement to the precision of
the calculus of sediment basins.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
BsC 1997 -Faculty of mathematics of the Al. I. Cuza University
MsC 2001- Faculty of Mathematics of the Al. I. Cuza University
PhD 2003 – Faculty of Mathematics of the Bucuresti University
Academic Positions:
1997-2001 Research assistant / Dept of Mechanics and Astronomy at the
Al. I. Cuza Univ
2001-2003 Teaching Assistant / Dept of Applied Math of the Al. I. Cuza
2003-present Lecturer / Dept of Mathematics of the Al I Cuza University
Scientific Activities:
Over 25 research papers, 7 books on applied mathematics, computational
mechanics and informatics
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