Plenary Lecture
Quality Improvement in Production Systems with Modern Control Techniques
for Electrical Drives

Professor Constantin
Department of Automatics and Applied Informatics
Faculty of Automatics and Computers
“Politehnica” University of Timisoara
Bd. V. Parvan nr. 2
Timisoara, 300223
Abstract: Production systems are using mechanical machines with
motion control systems based on electrical motors. Assurance of good
empirical control quality criteria is the main condition in electrical
drives. The control of electrical drives provides strong incentives to
control engineering in general, leading to the development of new
control structures and their introduction to the other area of control.
The paper presents a short survey of control quality criteria defined on
speed and load torque disturbance responses and their importance in
production quality. New control methods as fuzzy logic and interpolation
between rules assure better values for main quality criteria and
robustness at errors at parameter identification and load torque
disturbance influence.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Prof. Constantin Volosencu graduated in 1981 the Faculty of
Electrotechnics, “Traian Vuia” Polytechnic Institute of Timisoara,
Romania, as an engineer in automatics and computers and he is doctor in
control systems at “Politehnica” University of Timisoara. In present he
is professor at “Politehnica” University of Timisoara, Faculty of
Automatics and Computers, Department of Automatics and Applied
Informatics. His research interest is in linear control systems, fuzzy
control, neural networks, control of electrical drives, modelling,
simulation, identification and sensor networks. He is author of 9 books
and more then 100 scientific papers, published at international
conferences and journals. He was manager of over 30 national an
international research projects.
Constantin Volosencu worked from 1981 to 1990 at “Electrotimis”
Enterprise Timisoara, in the field of the control systems for industrial
machines, where he developed control equipments for a large scale of
machineries, which are the objects of 27 patents.