To what Extend could be Quantum Mechanics be Submissive
. What we have Recently Understood about Quantum Control

Zakhariev Boris Nikolaevich
Laboratory of Theoretical Physics
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna)
Abstract: Correction of the present defect in
quantum education throughout the world must be performed
by the new breakthrough in quantum mechanics which was
recently achieved due to the inverse problem approach.
It allows finding infinite (!) number of exactly
solvable models instead of only about ten previously
known about 100 years. It means an incomparable more
convenient basis for the quantum education and countless
instructive examples of the precise control of the
spectral parameters. That was impossible to imagine in
the previous quantum theory. Another great achievement
was the discovery of qualitative rules of
transformations of the most elementary wave
constituents, their separate bumps. This opened the
'black box' of the above mentioned exact models and
intensifies many times their usefulness. One acquires
the notion about the simplest "bricks" and building
blocks of potential and wave transformations. It means a
real quantum ABC to acquire the quantum literacy and
facilitate the future discoveries. So, one gains the
absolutely unexpected ability of immediate prediction
how, in principle, to achieve the given properties of
the constructed objects. An unprecedented combination of
qualitative simplicity and clarity with absolute
exactness was achieved. Unlike the numerous textbooks on
quantum mechanics, mainly compilations, the one recently
published by us (Nova Publishers? New York) has no
analogs. Being first hand information it is utmost
intelligible due to computer visualizations. It is not a
substitution of the traditional books, but a
fundamental, strengthening and simplifying addition to
them enlarging and deepening the understanding of the
subject instead of previously unintuitive and
approximate approach. Recently we have achieved a new
progress in extending our “solutions in mind” to more
complicated objects (multi-channel, multidimensional and
few –body systems).
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Zakhariev Boris Nikolaevich was born 29 September 1933.
Graduated from Department of Physics, Moscow State
University (1956), Russia.
Admitted to the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics of the
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna) where
B.Z. is working till now. B.Z. has investigated the
problems of nuclear fusion in mu-molecular three-body
systems with S.S.Gershtein under the guide of Ya.B.
Zeldovich and A.D.Sakharov. It was an excellent school
of quantum multichannel formalism. The corresponding
pioneer results were used for many years by the
researches in this direction and constituted the B.Z.'s
Candidat thesis defended in 1960.
For his unified theory of quantum reactions, B.Z. has
got the second scientific degree (Russian Doctor of
Phys.-Math. Sciences) in 1970. In 1974 these methods of
close coupling of channels were published in B.Z.'s
first book (Atomizdat).
His numerous results on quantum inverse problem theory
were published in the second book "Potentials and
quantum scattering" (Energoatomizdat, 1985) which was
revised, translated into English and published as
"Direct and Inverse Problems" in 1990 by Springer.
The main points of qualitative theory of spectral,
scattering and decay control (quantum design) were
collected in the third and fourth books "Lessons on
Quantum Intuition" (JINR, 1996) and "New ABC of Quantum
Mechanics" accepted for publication.
B.Z. became professor in 1991, selected and named Soros
Professor in 1994 (confirmed in 1996) "in recognition
and appreciation of outstanding contributions to
science". He is the only Soros Professor in Laboratory
of Theoretical Physics of JINR (among more than 150 its
scientific collaborators).
During the last 4 years B.Z. has delivered about 200
lectures and reports at 40 scientific and educational
centers ("Global" program of information about the new
theory in which his school has leading positions in the
world) of Russia (20 of them best in Moscow), Europe,
Canada, South Africa, Australia spreading new elements
of quantum literacy (B.Z. Paris, Montpellier,
Aux-le-Bain (France), Nils Bohr Inst. (Copenhagen,
Denmark), Quebec and Edmonton (Canada), Hamburg, Berlin,
Siegen, Bochum, Giessen, Freiburg, Dresden (Germany),
Wienna, Graz (Austria), Prague, Libice, Cracow, Szecin,
Mikolayki, Budapest, Bratislava, Bucharest (East
Europe), Pretoria, Iohannesburg (South Africa), at
World's Math.-Phys Congress in Brisbane (Australia).).
B.Z. has organized 5 School-Seminars "Secrets of Quantum
and Mathematical Intuition" at Dubna (1993-1997).
Under B.Z.'s guide 30 diploma works were done by
students of Universities of Moscow, Twer, Tashkent,
Sofia, Katmandu, Vilnius etc.
Under the guide of B.Z. 7 Doctor (Russian "candidate")
thesis works were defended. Three of B.Z.'s young
collaborators have got the next scientific degree
(Russian doctor). Two Doctor thesis works based on the
results by B.Z. were done in USA (Meister) and Austria (Schnizer),
two his coauthors are preparing doctor thesis works:
Stroh (Germany) and Braun (Pretoria).
In 1996 B.Z. has got the sole prize of organizing
commeetee of international Conference on Nuclear
Spectroscopie and Reactions.
B.Z. is the member of Executive Board of Moscow Physical
Society and of the Editorial Board of the Journal of
Moscow Phys. Society.