Plenary Lecture, ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT (EE'09), Cambridge, UK, February 21-23, 2009

Plenary Lecture

Indoor Air Quality Assessment

Costas G. Helmis
Department of Environmental Physics and Meteorology
Faculty of Physics
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
Building PHYS-5, University Campus, 157 84 Athens, Greece

During the last two decades there has been an increasing concern on the effects of indoor air quality on health, since people spend almost 90 percent of their time indoors (in homes, offices, public buildings, shopping malls, restaurants, vehicles etc.). Also recently there is an increase interest in indoor areas of hospitals, clinics, athletic halls and large public areas in urban areas where the mixture of pollutants, the relevant emissions and the outdoor pollution can affect the indoor air quality status. Furthermore, the closure of natural openings of buildings for energy saving purposes and the poor air exchange rates affect the indoor air quality. The indoor exposure of humans depends on a number of parameters such as the indoor sources and sinks, the outdoor concentrations, the ventilation rate and the specific characteristics of the indoor environment (surface to volume ratio, etc.).
In this invited talk a review regarding the quantitatively examination, theoretically and experimentally, of the relative contribution of the main mechanisms that control indoor air quality, will be given. Results from measurements conducted in apartments and offices in Athens, Greece, which aimed at the characterization of the air quality both indoors and outdoors, the estimation of the controlling parameters of transport, photochemical and deposition mechanisms using analytical and numerical methods and the evolution of pollutants’ concentrations produced from smoking in a controlled indoor environment will be presented. Furthermore, experimental studies of indoor air quality in selected rooms of the Athens Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) buildings in Hellinicon (old) and Spata (new) international airport as well as in two large athletic halls, especially during events, with different type of ventilation will be given. Also the indoor air quality assessment in three different clinics of the Athens University School of Dentistry, in order to identify possible sources and specific dental activities associated with pollution levels, will be presented. Finally results of the application of a CFD model and the arithmetical Multi chamber Indoor Air Quality (MIAQ) model in order to investigate the airflow and temperature fields, the dispersion of gaseous pollutants and the estimation of the relative contribution of the indoor sources and relevant mechanisms to the indoor air quality, will be given also.

Brief biography of the speaker:
Studies First Degree: BSc, University of Athens, Faculty of Physics, 1972
Post Graduate Titles: MSc in Electronics, University of Athens, 1975
MSc in Automation, University of Athens, 1976
PhD in Physics, University of Athens, 1981
Academic Positions:
Head of the Dept. of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Athens.
Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Applied Physics, Faculty of Physics, University of Athens.
Fields of Scientific activities:
- Atmospheric Physics
- Development of instrumentation for remote and in-situ measurements
- Air Pollution meteorology
- Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution
He has 92 publications in journals, 167 announcements in conference proceeding, 86 participations in technical reports and 20 other publications. He has participated in the EEA on air quality (ETC/AQ) during 1996-2001 and in 89 research projects, in 37 of the above he acted as the Principal Investigator.


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