Plenary Lecture, GEOLOGY and SEISMOLOGY (GES'09), Cambridge, UK, February 21-23, 2009

Plenary Lecture


Professor Angelo De Santis
Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia
Sezione Roma 2, Via di Vigna Murata 605, 00143 Roma, Italy
Universita G. D’Annunzio, Facolta SS.MM.FF.NN,
Campus Universitario Chieti Scalo,
Chieti, Italy

Abstract: For geosystemics we define the science that studies the Earth system from a holistic point of view. Earth is thus considered as a whole and unique far-from-the equilibrium complex system. Although it is formed by numerous different parts (sub-systems), these parts do not act independently but interact each other continuosly. Most interactions are nonlinear, so that we can usually say that “resultant is more than the sum of the parts”. Interactions are not only in terms of contrasts but, and mostly, cooperations and mutual organizations. We will see some aspects and properties of this phenomenon with some examples.

Brief Biography of the speaker:
I have been working since 1977 in the National Institute of Geophysics and Vulcanology of Italy (INGV). I took my Doctor Degree in Physics (1984) at University of Rome (Italy). My main interests are in: a) Models in Earth sciences, with particular attention to geomagnetism; b) Search for nonlinearities in Geophysics; c) Geomagnetic Deep Sounding; d) Potential Field Theory; e) Magnetometry and Riometry. My present position at INGV is as Director of Research (since 1999). I have been Head of Geomagnetism Group for 5 years (from 2000 to 2005). I received a Royal Society 5-month Grant visiting the British Geological Survey (1987). Former Member of INGV Scientific Committee 1999-2005 and former Member of ESA Swarm satellite Mission Advisory Group Phase A. I am presently formal member of INGV and INFN (National Institute of Nuclear Physics of Italy) Committee. Professor of Solid Earth Physics and then Geophysics at Chieti University (from 1998 to present). I have been member of 5 Italian expeditions in Antarctica and I coordinated all scientific activities during the XI Antarctic expedition. I have been responsible of many National and International Projects: Riometry, ARM I, II, REM within the “ItaliAntartide” Program, 1993-2006; bilateral Cooperation Italy-Spain 1994-1996; bilateral Cooperations: Italy-Czech Rep. 1996-1999, Italy-Albania 2002-2004, 2007-present; NATO 1999-2001. Vice-Responsible of Space Weather Project within the “ItaliAntartide” Program, 1996-1999. I coordinate some programmes of research in the framework of Oersted and Champ satellite missions 2001- present. I cooperate with many Italian Universities following graduates and PhD for theses. I also teach some PhD Courses in Geophysics (2000- present). I count around 140 scientific publications (70% are International) and 150 scientific communications at national and international conferences.



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