The Strategic Role of New Education Technologies with Relation to Usage of
ICT Supported Knowledge Management Models for Competitiveness and
Performance Management Improvement
Professor H. C. Vladimir
Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Education
Savska cesta 77, Zagreb HR-10000
University of Zagreb, Croatia
Abstract: We live in a time of fast and
big changes, accelerated communication and information exchange, which is
inevitably reflected in the educational system and so often cold “the era of
informatics and communication”. Accelerated changes demand quick response.
Lifelong education has become an imperative for further survival on the
market. This paper describes research done due to implementation of few
different e-learning platforms, with the intention to have bigger
productivity of knowledge exchange and the right to the access to
information. During the process of developing this project, besides numerous
advantages that an e-learning system offers, we (used in paper instead “my
team”) have encountered some disadvantages. The greatest problem, it has
turned out to be, is the protection against breach of copyright that occurs
on a daily basis due to the speed and the simplicity of information
exchange. Here one can see clearly the strategic role of these relatively
new education technologies in one company or concrete educational system
with relation to usage of ICT supported knowledge management models for
competitiveness and performance management improvement.
Knowledge management can bring many benefits, like: the preservation of
intellectual capital and better utilization of knowledge available within
the company, improved effectiveness of employees due to development a
unified knowledge database, stronger linkages and collaboration among
experts in specific areas, better knowledge transfer following acquisitions
of other companies, etc. Setting up a system that supports and enables
knowledge management is a crucial prerequisite for enabling further KM
(Knowledge Management) development, but this is not the end. Further stages
should focus on embedding the associated practices and the corresponding
values of cooperation and knowledge sharing with a loose network of distant
collaborators throughout the organization. However, benefits achieved from
the KM initiative, tend to outweigh costs and risks, therefore making these
challenges worth facing. Every organization has its own identity and
language. Therefore, the KM barriers and methods described in this paper
should not be taken by organizations as the only, or the best way to do KM,
but merely as a well-founded basis for discussion to help them with further
definition of their own specific KM framework.
Keywords: strategy, communication, education, e-learning, copyright,
knowledge management, performance management
This research was part of main Scientific research named “Analytical Model
for Monitoring of New Education Technologies for Long life Learning“, and
conducted by Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of
Croatia (Registered Number 227-2271694-1699).
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Vladimir Simovic is a professor of Information Systems at the University of
Zagreb, Croatia, where he is a dean at the Faculty of Teacher Education, and
has also the scientific and professional responsibility for the development
of various Information Systems. His main teaching and research interests
concern various areas of information systems, project management and
analysis. In these fields, he authored or co-authored over 5 books and 100
scientific papers published in reviewed journals or presented at
international conferences. As the Fellow of the IIAS (The International
Institute for Advanced Studies in Systems Research and Cybernetics -
University of Windsor - Canada, Ontario) he also received Dr. Honoris Causa
in Economics and Informatics aspects of Financial Modelling. He was main
project leader of professional information science project of an
international character (based on the competition of World Bank and Ministry
of Finance of the Republic of Croatia) and also scientific researcher &
lecturer at international EU TEMPUS program. He was editor, publisher and
member of the organisational and editorial board of more than 7 editions of
the international scientific journal in the area of the Communication,
Information and Economic Sciences in the Knowledge Society (which was
organised as a part of the International Conference on Systems Research,
Informatics and Cybernetics - in Baden-Baden, Germany). He published
articles for 12th WSEAS International Conference on SYSTEMS in Crete
(Greece) and for 7th WSEAS transactions on computers, and article for IEEE
Region 8, Eurocon 2007 Conference in Warsaw (Poland). He received mentions
in international books, and he was honoured with Best Lecturer Medal Award,
and with more than 6 Best Paper Awards from IIAS, etc. Above all he is
member of HDOI (Croatian Society for Operational Research) based in Zagreb;
HSUSESV (Croatian professional association of experts and court appointed
experts) based in Zagreb; MH (Central Croatian Cultural and Publishing
Society) based in Zagreb, and he is the director of ECNSI (European Center
for Advanced and Systematic Research) with headquarters in Zagreb.