Reconfigurable Multipiont Forming – A Competitive Manufacturing Process

Professor Viorel Paunoiu
Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department,
“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati, ROMANIA
Abstract: Reconfigurable multipoint
forming (MPF - multi-point forming) is a flexible manufacturing technology
which assures the production of a high sheet metals parts variety with low
costs in comparison with the using of the monolithic dies. The main
characteristic of the deformation method is given by the active surface
discrete design of the forming elements which is composed from a number of
pins, vertically aligned, according with the geometry of the part. An
efficient control of the process parameters with implications on the part
geometry could assure the process competitiveness. Conceptual models for
multipoint forming dies reconfigurability based on the study of the rigid/elasto-plastic
medii assembly behaviour and their application to design of the new
controllable multipoint dies with flexibile interface are presented. For
this two types of geometrical reconfiguration are presented. First type is
based on a surface generation modeling which described a new algorithm for
contact points calculus. This assure the primary configuration of the die.
The second type are reffering to the deformed surfaces reconstruction using
advanced reverse engineering based on points clouds inspection. This assure
the further configuration of the die taking into account the springback
compensation. The models are obtained through a set of simulations, using
the finite element analysis. Knowing the relation between the input and
output parameters, a control cycle could be applied for developing a sound
product with desired geometry. The conceptual control cycle assures the
connection beetwen the process parameter and the material response in
multipoint deformation. From technologic point of view the major impact of
applying such type of control will be the development of a new class of
forming tool with superior performances.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Viorel Paunoiu graduated a 5 years Mechanical Engineering degree program at
“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati (1984); PhD in Industrial Engineering
- at “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati (1998); Training stages at: Ecole
des Mines de Paris, CEMEF, Sophia-Antipolis – France (1992); University of
Limerick – Irlanda (1998); University of Patras – Greece (2002), University
Tor Vergata Roma – Italy (2007). Research fields: Computer aided design of
equipments and technologies for plastic deformation; Numerical simulation of
the plastic deformation processes; Unconventional technologies for plastic
deformation; Energeticaly phenomenons study at manufacturing by plastic
deformation (deep drawing, flow forming, extrusion).
Prof. PAUNOIU participated as director or member in over 35 research
projects supported by Romanian Ministry of Education and Science;
author/co-author of over 10 scientific or didactic books; over 100
scientific papers written or co-authored, published to International/
National Conferences proceedings (France, Hungary, Poland, USA, Moldavia)
and Journals. Member of professional and scientific associations: ESAFORM –
European Scientific Association for Metal Forming, Romanian Association for
Non-Conventional Technologies - ARTN, Romanian Association of Tensometry -