On the Detection and Quantification of Dynamical Temporal Changes on Complex

Professor Vincenzo Niola
Department of Mechanical Engineering for Energetics
University of Naples Federico II
Via Claudio 21, 80125 Naples
Abstract: The aim of this lecture is to
present the main methodologies employed for quantifying the dynamics of
complex signals showing sudden changes, hence not predictable, of their
pseudo-deterministic time series.
The techniques which we are going to explain are commonly defined as
We illustrate the case of a signal that suddenly present a set of spike (or
only one). To better illustrate the problem we will refer to a specific
space-time. As showed in the following we will show how we can investigate
on complex signals with a detail that, until now, the usual techniques are
not capable of achieving. Therefore, the dynamical pattern will be analyzed
by means of a particular space-time system: the state or phase space.
As the theory of nonlinear dynamics clearly shows, the space of the state is
the natural domain for quantifying the properties of non-linear dynamics.
These properties would never be detected in a normal time domain or by the
sequential reading of the time series representing the dynamical phenomenon
An important consideration is that the basic measurements proposed are not
based on special non-linear models, nor they depend in some way, directly or
indirectly, from a priori detailed knowledge of the mechanisms that underlie
and are responsible for the generation of data to be analyzed. These
techniques belong to those families so called non-parametric.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Vincenzo Niola is professor of Applied Mechanics at Naples University
Federico II since 31 march 1987. After he got an Univerisity Degree in
Mechanical Engineering, he started in january 1978 didactics activity as
helper at course of Applied Mechanics and Machines et as member of their
committee of examination. Since september 1979 he carried on that
collaboration as owner of a scholarship from C.N.R. (National Research
Council). Since december 1981 to march 1987 he was a researcher carrying on
the practice course for Applied Mechanics, taking a part at examination
meeting and working as proposer in many degree thesis. Since 1981 to 1984 he
carried on his didactics activity as university teacher for Bioengineering
course of locomotive apparatus at Orthopaedy and Traumathology
specialization school of 2th Department of Medicine and Surgery of Naples
University. Since 31 March 1987 is professor of Applied Mechanics at Naples
University Federico II, and since A.A. 86/87 to A.A. 92/93 he carried on the
Applied Mechanics and Machines course for electronic engineers, and since
A.A. 93/94 to today carry on the Applied Mechanics course for computer
science engineers. Since A.A. 88/89 to 89/90 he carried on as supply teacher
the Applied Mechanics course for building engineers at Salerno Engineering
University. By A.A. 94/95 to A.A. 97/98 he carried on as supply professor
Tribology course at Naples University Federico II. By A.A. 2001/2002 he
holds the chair of Applied Mechanics for University Degree of “Orthopaedic
Technician” at 2th Department of Medicine and Surgery of Naples University.
Since A.A. 2005/2006 is professor of Tribology and of Complements of
Mechanics. During this years Prof. Vincenzo Niola has been the chairman of
his courses examination meetings, and was proposer of many degree thesis..
During his activity Prof. Vincenzo Niola was owner of financings from MURST
and (in past and present) cooperate scientifically with research corporation
and national industries (MERISINTER, MONTEFLUOS, INDESIT, ALENIA, C.I.R.A.).
He's scientific member of Naples research unit for PRIN 2003. He's fellow of
Italian Association of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (AIMETA). He's
member of IFToMM Linkages on cams committee. He belongs to the International
Scientific Committee of the "World Scientific and Engineering Academy and
Society (WSEAS). He is President of the WSEAS Italy Chapter on the “Analysis
of the Mechanical Systems”. He was been Chairman and "invited author" in
some session of Internatinal Conferences. He's author of more than 130
national and international papers.