Advances of Anticipation Models for On-Line
Control in Steel Industry

Professor Roberto Revetria
DIPTEM, Dipartimento di Ingegneria della Produzione
Termoenergetica e Modelli Matematici
Via all'Opera Pia, 15, 16145 Genova, GE
University of Genoa
Abstract: In a steelmaking real system
the production planning is typically manual-loaded into a Gantt chart
tracking system by operator, at the start of his shift only. If an accident
event occurs during the steelmaking chain, the worker has a few minutes to
change his production plan to another one, which typically has not the
performance like the first one about cycle time, processes time, transport
utilization etc. Then, the experience of worker planner is fundamental to
perform the steelmaking chain but not sufficient. A predictive model could
be a solution to automate and optimize the production planning activity,
reducing possible human error and to speed the process of “remaking” for new
The presentation outline the development of a simulation based a system for
tracking full production from the hot metal availability to continuous
casting process bound. The proposed system does not replace the local
systems in singular but incorporates features to higher level by defining
three new concepts:
• With real time situation, it shows a photograph of a particular moment in
which for each object
• With forecast shows a projection made from a real-time fixed by
considering the parameters of walking facilities, the establishment and
planning of current flows to achieve. This forecast also takes the name of
on-line scenario
• With prediction it indicates a projection from the on-line scenario,
considering various steel plant and facilities parameters and planning
different casts in order to achieve a target from those mentioned earlier
(for example maximization of production Reduction in stocks of cast iron,
The outlined innovative system will be composed of three modules: the first
module will have the duty to construct and present an overview on the
current state of facilities and resources of plant, the second module will
allow for the representation of the script online, as planning and the
current state of facilities, the third module will finally realize the
simulation of the system in correspondence to a baseline scenario of the
various online.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Roberto Revetria earned his degree in mechanical engineering at the
University of Genoa and he completed his master thesis in Genoa Mass
Transportation Company developing an automatic system integrating ANN
(Artificial Neural Networks) and simulation with the ERP (Enterprise
Resource Planning) for supporting purchasing activities. He had consulting
experience in modeling applied to environmental management for the new Bosch
plant facility TDI Common Rail Technology in construction near Bari, FORD
Motor Company in Detroit and in Severstal Lucchini. During his service in
the Navy as officer, he was involved in the development of WSS&S (Weapon
System Simulation & Service) Project. He completed is PhD in Mechanical
Engineering in 2001 defending his Doctoral thesis on “Advances in Industrial
Plant Management” by applying Artificial iontelligence and Distributed
Simulation to several Industrial Cases. Since 1998 is active in Distributed
Simulation by moving US DoD HLA (High Level Architecture) Paradigm from
Military to Industrial application. In 2000 he succesfully led a research
group first demonstrating practical application of HLA in not dedicated
network involving a 8 International University Group. He is currently
involved, as reseacher, in the DIPTEM of Genoa University, working on
advanced modeling projects for Simulation/ERP integration and DSS/maintenance
planning applied to industrial case studies (Contracting & Engineering and
Retail companies). He is active in developing projects involving simulation
with special attention to Distributed Discrete Event, Systems Dynamics and
Agent Based Continuous Simulation (SwarmSimulation Agents). He is teaching
Modelling & Simulation, VV&A, Distributed Simulation (HLA), Projecty
management in Master Courses Worldwide and he is teaching Industrial Plants
Design in University of Genoa Masters' Courses. He is member of WSEAS, SCS,
IASTED, ACM, ANIMP, AICE, MIMOS and Liophant Simulation Club. He is
Associated Professor in Mechanical Engineering and Logistics. He is
currently director of the simulation departement in Iso Sistemi srl.