The Investigation of Meandering and Braiding Rivers with RS and GIS
Professor Levent Yilmaz
Hydraulic Division, Civil Engineering Department
Technical University of Istanbul
Maslak, 80626, Istanbul, Turkey
Abstract: An analytical model is
developed for free-surface flow over an erodible bed and is used to
investigate the stability of the fluid-bed interface and the characteristics
of the bed features by measuring the shear stress distribution with hot-film
sensors. The model is based on the potential flow over a two-dimensional,
moving, wavy bed with a sinusoidal profile of varying amplitude, and a
sediment transport relation in which the transported rate is proportional to
the power of the fluid velocity at the level of the meandering bed.
Consideration is given to the factors involved in determining the shear
stress distribution at the flow boundary layer. The experimental results are
presented in two parts. Experimental observations of meander evolution
described qualitatively. The most important parameter is the shear stress
distribution, because of the inhomogeneous distribution of boundary layer
meander features. At the wavy boundary layer, the shear stress distribution,
measured with WTG-50 hot – film –anemometer is given graphically and
theoretically. In prototype, natural rivers are also investigated in
meandering and braiding point of view with RS and GIS by using the ground
truth data.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Technical University Of Istanbul
Academic Positions:
Associate Professor Dr. and Research Assoc. At The Hydraulic Laboratory At
Technical University Of Istanbul
Scientific Activities:
Project To North Cyprus Between Turkey Water Supply Project
Project Of Environmental Effects Of Waterway At The Bosphorus In Istanbul
Project Of Hydropower Projects At Ungauged Basins At Northeast Turkey