Direct/Indirect Language Use of Teachers

Professor Isil Acikalin
Anadolu Universitesi
Education Faculty
Department of Foreign Languages
This study is concerned with teachers’ language
use in classroom. Teachers may use either direct or indirect language style
which may be related to the structure of power relationship that teachers and
students build in classroom.
It is true that the use of politeness formulas and indirect stating are
associated with good and effective teaching. So the study aims at
investigating to what extent elementary school teachers use polite and
indirect discourse studies.
The results will be evaluated according to the questionnaire given to the
teachers of elementary school. The questionnaire is formed according to the
topics that arouse in the focus group meeting.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Isil Acikalin is a faculty member at the Department of Foreign Language
Education at Anadolu University/Turkey.She has a MA. And Ph.D. in English
Linguistics with emphasis on sociolinguistics.She conducts research on
language variation,linguistic gender differences,Turkish medical language and
communication of doctors with their patients.She has published several
research studies in both national and international peer-reviewed jourbals.