The Potential Development of Rainwater Harvesting in Malaysia
Assoc. Professor Ar.
Zuhairuse Md Darus
Deputy Director for Development
Department of Development Management
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
43600 UKM Bangi Selangor
Abstract: Rainwater Harvesting lately has
gained recognition as a sustainable means of domestic water supply globally.
Malaysia as a country which received a very high rainfall throughout the year
is not fully capitalized on this. Even though, traditionally is was done in
remote area since long time ago using a primitive way of collecting rainwater
from the roof or surface before it touch the ground and stored for domestic
usage. The resurgence of rainwater harvesting is due to the paradigm shift in
concept of resources and supply and supply water as demand increased due to
the increase of the world population. The Malaysian Government has recognized
that rainwater harvesting contribute toward National Water Conservation
Policy. It has made a commitment to revise the Guidelines for Installing a
Rainwater Collection and Utilization System in the Ninth Malaysian Plan within
a period of 2006 – 2010. Encouragement from the government through various
means of awareness program and incentive has increased the number of rainwater
harvesting system in various building types. This paper will cover the
potential development of rainwater harvesting which has been implemented in
Malaysia. It will also explain the process of the Malaysian Government to
encourage on the rainwater harvesting system.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Zuhairuse Md Darus has been working as consultant in United Kingdom and Negara
Brunei Darussalam for 4 years before joining Universiti Teknology MARA(UiTM)
as a lecture. He stay for 11 years with UiTM before joinging Universiti
Kebangsaan Malaysia in 2003. He is Associate Professor at the Department of
Architecture, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, UKM and is
currently seconded to the Department of Development Management as Deputy
Director for Development since june 2008. He obtained in basic Architecturel
education from UiTM before further his study for the professional and
postgraduate studies in United Kingdom. His specialization is on tourism
Architecture and now embark on sustainable Architecture and renewable energy
especially on wind Energy. Professionally, he has involved in designing and
completing various project from individual houses to complexes. Academically,
he has until now published more than 60 research papers in journals and