Biomimetic Modeling – A New Engineering Challenge in Nanostructured Material

Professor Mihaela Banu
Manufacturing Science and Engineering Department,
“Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati
111 Domneasca street, 800201 Galati, Romania
Abstract: The use of biomimetic approach to
modeling the mechanical behaviour of the material during its processing within
bulk nanostructuring processes allows developing batch manufacturing
production for this class of processes. An efficient control of the process
parameters with known implications on the material structure changes provides
prediction of the mechanical properties with time-varying loads. In this way,
we begin to transform crystalline materials into the mechanical products with
desired properties, to understand the atom causes of their failings, to build
into them safeguards against such failure, and to arrive at true yardsticks of
ultimate performance.
The biomimetic model is obtained through a selective set of observations of
the biological models, as protein kinetics. Furthermore, this model is applied
to the control of the mechanical behaviour of the crystalline materials that
are undergone to large deformation processes similar with the bulk
nanostructuring processes. Knowing the relation between the input and output
parameters, a parametric schedule of the nanostructuring cycle applied to the
crystalline work materials could be developed for an oriented product to
desired properties. The variables of the parametric schedule are those
variables through which the manufacturing process is controlled, and the model
parameters are state variables that react to the external loads and
perturbations associated to the manufacturing process.
A case study referring to the modelling of the assembly
material-process-product within multidirectional shearing of the bulk work
materials is presented as an application of biomimetic modelling based on
parameter schedule and numerical control.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. Banu graduated Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of University Dunarea de
Jos of Galati in 1993, and she obtained the title of Doctor Engineer mention
CUM LAUDE in 2000. In the same year, Dr. Banu was awarded with a post-doc
grant of the Key Technology Center developing research within Materials
Fabrication Laboratory of The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research –
RIKEN, Japan.
Since 1993 she followed the academic carrier at Dunarea de Jos University of
Galati as assistant, associate professor and professor. Dr. Banu is a visitor
scientist of The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research – RIKEN,
Volume-CAD Integrated Research Program, Japan.
Research fields are connected with characterisation, modeling and control of
the nonlinear behaviour of materials udergo to large plastic deformations,
multiscale modeling of the materials under large plastic deformation within
manufacturing the parts by metal forming, integrated system researches of the
body cars. In the mentioned subject, Dr. Banu published 55 articles in
journals and internationals conferences proceedings, she is author and
co-author of 3 books and she delivered 7 invited conferences in Japan.
The research was done as director or member of 40 research contracts financed
by European Commission and Romanian Ministry of Education and Research. The
strong cooperation with Laboratoire de Proprietes Mecanique et Thermodinamique
des Materiaux – LPMTM Universite Paris 13, France contributed to the
enhancement of the research studies on modeling the material behaviour within
metal forming.
Dr. Banu is a member of international scientific societies as follows:
European Scientific Association of Materials Forming - ESAFORM, since 1998,
Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, since 2004, The American Association
for the Advancement of Science – AAAS, since 2007, American Chemical Society –
ACS, since 2008.