Combined Effects of Discomfort Parameters on the Indoor Conditions of

Associate Professor Lajos
Department of Building Service and Process Engineering
Budapest University of Technology and Economics
H 1541 Budapest, Hungary
Abstract: The purpose of HVAC appliances is
to provide a comfortable environment and set the conditions for efficient
work. The enhancement of buildings’ energy performance aims at meeting the
comfort requirements indoors and, at the same time, ensures that less energy
use is required to provide acceptable environments.
The comfort of the occupants is determined by the heat exchange between the
body and the indoor environment. There are four local discomfort parameters
that may cause discomfort on certain body parts even if whole-body thermal
comfort conditions are met: radiant temperature asymmetry, warm and cold
floors, vertical air temperature difference and draught.
Even though the sizing diagrams and values are results of extensive laboratory
investigations, they do not apply to cases when the different local discomfort
parameters are simultaneously present in the indoor space. Furthermore, it is
an important goal in indoor environmental research to deepen our understanding
of the mechanisms responsible for human perception to different exposures.
Therefore, experiments and modelling for combined parameters have been carried
out at the Department of Building Services and Process Engineering.
The plenary presentation summarises the findings of modelling carried out on
manikins, human subjects and CFD simulations to investigate the combined
effects of discomfort parameters.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. Lajos Barna PhD, Associate professor since 1999, Budapest University of
Technology and Economics.
Qualifications: MSc in Mechanical Engineering in 1972, Technical University of
Budapest. Comprehensive examination in mechanical engineering: 1983; PhD:
Teaching and research experience:
Lecturer of several subjects for building service engineering students:
Heating, Water supply, Gas supply, District heating supply. Tutor of diploma
Major subjects of research works:
Energetic examination and evaluation of buildings; Modelling of comfort
conditions in buildings; Investigation of air supply conditions in the room of
gas appliances.
He has more than 100 publications in scientific journals and conferences. He
has been lecturer at several WSEAS Conferences and was plenary speaker at the
HTE '08 Conference in Rhodes.