Plenary Lecture
Heat Transfer Measurement and Analysis in Cooling Systems for Hot Components

Professor Hyung Hee Cho
Yonsei University
Seoul, Korea
Abstract: Proper thermal design is an essential part of
hot component developments. Various cooling methods, such as internal passage
cooling, impingement jet cooling and film cooling, are widely used to protect
hot components from high thermal loads and to achieve higher thermal efficiency.
Unsuitable thermal design causes local thermal crack and structural failure and
resulting in a reduction of system life. To achieve proper thermal design for
hot components, it is very important to conduct detailed measurement and
analysis of internal and external heat transfer distribution.
Several methods, such as naphthalene sublimation techniques, thermochromic
liquid crystal techniques and infrared thermography, etc, are developed and
widely used to measure the heat transfer distribution. The measurement methods
are successfully applied to obtain detailed and precise information about
external and internal heat transfer distributions of ribbed or dimpled passages,
film cooled surface and array jet cooled wall. The detailed measurements make it
possible to achieve better thermal design for hot components in gas turbine and
rocket/ramjet engines. This lecture will introduce various experiences about
heat transfer measurements and cooling system design conducted in Heat Transfer
Laboratory at Yonsei University.
Biography of the Speaker:
Hyung Hee Cho received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in mechanical engineering from
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea, in 1982 and 1985, respectively. He
received Ph.D. degree in mechanical engineering from University of Minnesota,
Minneapolis, USA. His dissertation mainly deals with heat/mass transfer
characteristics in cooling technology which is mostly applied to gas turbine
blades/combustors as well as ramjet combustors.
In 1995, he joined the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University,
Seoul, Korea, where he is currently a full professor in the School of Mechanical
Engineering. From 2003 to 2005, he was the Chairman of Department of Mechanical
Engineering at Yonsei University. From 2005 to 2007, he held position as the
Associate Dean of College of Engineering at Yonsei University.
His research interests include heat transfer control and design in macro-scale
devices as well as micro/nano-scale components. For macro-scale devices, he has
been working on heat transfer in turbomachineries and rocket/ramjet. Especially,
with intensive research on various cooling techniques such as film cooling,
internal passage cooling, and impingement/effusion cooling, he has accomplished
major research achievements including numerous papers and patents. For micro/nano-scale
components, he has worked on thermal transport phenomena in low dimensional
materials as well as thermal management in semiconductor devices. Recently, he
has been working on performance improvement of proton exchange membrane fuel
cell (PEMFC) by controlling heat transfer and flow characteristics on separator
He is a recipient of numerous awards such as KSME Scientific Achievement Award
(2000), Yonsei Academic Achievement Award (2001), KSFTS best paper award (2006)
and KFMA Scientific Achievement Award (2008). He has served as a committee
member for various institutions such as ASME K-14 (Heat Transfer in Gas Turbine)
Committee, ASME-PID Committee, and ISO TC-192 (Gas Turbine). He also has served
as a Vice President of Energy and Power Division of KSME (Korean Society of
Mechanical Engineers) and a Chairman for the Gas Turbine division of KFMA
(Korean Fluid Machinery Association). He has served as an associate editor of
Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology and International Journal of
Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration. He is currently an editorial board for JP
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Advances in Mechanical Engineering and
International Journal of Fluid Machinery and Systems.