Plenary Lecture:
Engineering Education: Future Trends and Advances
Professor Marc A. Rosen
Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science
University of Ontario Institute of Technology
Oshawa, Canada
President of Engineering Institute of Canada
Abstract: Engineering developments and innovations are being brought
forward at an increasingly rapid rate, thereby forcing engineering educators
to adapt to new realities. A reasoned response to such pressures is
essential, because engineering education, and more broadly the engineering
profession, advances best if
-challenges are identified early and well managed,
-opportunities are sought and where possible exploited beneficially, and
-speculation is made on future trends, based on logical assessments and
reasoned arguments.
In this presentation, the views of the presenter are described, based on his
experiences as an engineering educator, administrator and practitioner, on
future trends in engineering education, and on many related challenges and
opportunities. This topic is of great importance because the advancement of
engineering education is strongly influenced by its challenges and
opportunities, as well as by future trends. The objective of the
presentation is to improve engineering education by increasing awareness of
these topics among engineering educators and others, and promoting active
consideration and debate of potential actions in response to these issues.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dr. Marc A. Rosen is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the University
of Ontario Institute of Technology in Oshawa, Canada, where he served as
founding Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science from 2002 to
2008. Dr. Rosen became President of the Engineering Institute of Canada in
2008. He was President of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering
from 2002 to 2004, and is a registered Professional Engineer in Ontario.
With over 60 research grants and contracts and 500 technical publications,
Dr. Rosen is an active teacher and researcher in thermodynamics, energy
technology (including cogeneration, district energy, thermal storage and
renewable energy), and the environmental impact of energy and industrial
systems. Much of his research has been carried out for industry.
Dr. Rosen has worked for such organizations as Imatra Power Company in
Finland, Argonne National Laboratory near Chicago, and the Institute for
Hydrogen Systems near Toronto. He was also a professor in the Department of
Mechanical, Aerospace and Industrial Engineering at Ryerson University in
Toronto, Canada for 16 years. While there, Dr. Rosen served as department
Chair and Director of the School of Aerospace Engineering.
Dr. Rosen has received numerous awards and honours, including an Award of
Excellence in Research and Technology Development from the Ontario Ministry
of Environment and Energy, the Engineering Institute of Canada’s Smith Medal
for achievement in the development of Canada, and the Canadian Society for
Mechanical Engineering’s Angus Medal for outstanding contributions to the
management and practice of mechanical engineering. He is a Fellow of the
Engineering Institute of Canada, the Canadian Academy of Engineering, the
Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, the American Society of
Mechanical Engineers and the International Energy Foundation.