Plenary Lecture
Current Research Activities in Mechatronic
Applications – Case Studies
Professor Heinz Ulbrich
Institute of Applied Mechanics
Technical University Munich
Boltzmannstrasse 15, 85748 Garching
Abstract: The research field Mechatronics combines the various
engineering and science topics of mechanics, electronics, physics,
mathematics and computer science into an integrated approach. This
interdisciplinary view on technical issues enables the improved design of
sophisticated systems meeting the increasing demands on performance, size
and weight. Almost any research topic in this exciting field comprises new
developments or optimisation in general using state-of-the-art techniques.
The presentation will focus on case studies like electromagnetic actuators,
rotor rubbing control using actively controlled auxiliary bearings,
hydraulic controlled cam phasing systems, biologically inspired low-cost
inertial measurement systems, enhanced cognitive driver assistance systems
with inertial measurement systems and gaze control, modelling of haptic
contacts for telepresence applications, free walking in the real worlds and
humanoid walking machines (from JOHNNIE to LOLA).
All research work is always based on a proper modelling of the entire
mechatronic system. The models facilitate the optimisation of structural
issues as well as the development of control laws that are investigated in
simulations as a basis for the experimental verification. Finally, the
application of theoretical results in experiments is an integral part of our
work and comprises all the related issues as sensors, signal analysis, power
supply and controller implementation.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Heinz Ulbrich studied Mechanical Engineering at the Technical University
Munich. He re-ceived his doctor’s degree in mechatronics with his work
“Design and Control of a Contact-Free Support for a Rotor System Using
Magnetic Bearings” and his Habilitation entitled “Dy-namics and Control of
Rotors” both at Technical University of Munich. He was Visiting Re-searcher
with Professor Roy Holmes at the University of Southampton, UK and Senior
re-search fellow at NASA, Lewis Research Center in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. He
received pro-fessorships for Dynamics and Technical Kinematics at Faculty of
Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Braunschweig and for Applied
Mechanics at Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Essen.
Currently, he is Ordinaries and Chair holder, Institute of Applied
Mechanics, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of
Munich. He is a member of the extended Board Council of the Society of
Applied Mathematics and Me-chanics and a Member of the Editorial Board of
the International Journal Acta Mechanica Sinica as an associate editor. His
main research interests can be entitled with “Dynamics, Control and
Optimization of Mechatronic Systems in Theory and Experiment”. Different ma-chines
have been realized over the years in the his mechatronic labs. For example
unique hydraulic, electromagnetic and piezoelectric actuators, different
biologically inspired walking machines, a parallel kinematical motion
platform and actively stabilized rotor systems with fluid-structure
interaction, just to name a few. His publications include four books, more
than 60 reviewed Journal Papers and more than 200 conference contributions
in proceedings related to the topics Dynamics, non-smooth Dynamics,
Robotics, Rotor dynamics, Mechatronics.