Keynote Lecture
Quantum Cryptography and Chaos Functions: The Ultimate for Network Security

Professor Stamatios Kartalopoulos
Williams Professor in Telecommunications Networking
The University of Oklahoma
Abstract: As the sophistication of intruders’ increases, so does the
incidents of information integrity breaches and network attacks. In
response, very complex cryptographic processes have started being employed,
such as chaos theory and quantum theory, in an effort to create the “holy
grail” of cryptographic systems and network security.
Quantum theory defines the non-classical qubit, which is the superposition
of quantum states having no classical analog. In addition, it is based on
the “no cloning” or “no copying” theorem and on Heisenberg’s uncertainty.
Both, the qubit and the no-cloning theorem, along with the quanto-mechanical
properties of photons, have been applied to a new breed of cryptography and
secure optical communication networks known as quantum cryptography and
quantum networks, respectively.
Chaos is based on the particular behavior of certain non-linear functions,
which for a minute change of parameters produce a very large and unstable
output, known as the “chaotic regime”. However, this chaos is reproducible,
which also makes it attractive to secure communications.
In this talk we explain quantum cryptographic protocols as well as chaos and
chaotic processes with simple examples. We then describe how chaos functions
are used in quantum cryptography in order to increase efficiency and speed
of the quantum key establishment.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Stamatios V. Kartalopoulos, PhD, is currently the Williams Professor in
Telecommunications Networking at the University of Oklahoma. His research
emphasis is on optical communication networks (FSO, long haul and FTTH),
optical technology including optical metamaterials, and optical
communications security including quantum cryptography and key distribution.
Prior to this, he was with Bell Laboratories where he defined, led and
managed research and development teams in the areas of DWDM networks, SONET/SDH
and ATM, Cross-connects, Switching, Transmission and Access systems. He has
received the President’s Award and many awards of Excellence.
He holds nineteen patents in communications networks, and has published more
than hundred fifty scientific papers, nine reference textbooks important in
advanced fiber optic communications and security, and has also contributed
several chapters to other books.
He has been an IEEE and a Lucent Technologies Distinguished Lecturer and has
lectured at international Universities, at NASA and conferences. He has been
keynote speaker of major international conferences, has moderated executive
forums, has been a panelist of interdisciplinary panels, and has organized
symposia, workshops and sessions at major international communications
Dr Kartalopoulos is an IEEE Fellow, chair and founder of the IEEE ComSoc
Communications & Information Security Technical Committee, member at large
of IEEE New Technologies Directions Committee, and has served
editor-in-chief of IEEE Press, chair of ComSoc Emerging Technologies and of
SPCE Technical Committees, Area-editor of IEEE Communications
Magazine/Optical Communications, member of IEEE PSPB, and VP of IEEE
Computational Intelligence Society.