Plenary Lecture
The Satellite Telecommunication System Performances in the Presence of
Rayleigh Fading on Satellite and Earth Station

Professor Dragana Krstic
Department of Telecommunications
Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Nis
Aleksandra Medvedeva 14, 18000 Nis
E-mail: dragana.krstic@elfak.ni.ac.yu
Abstract: In this lecture satellite communication system consisting
the earth transmitting station and the satellite transponder is considered.
SSC diversity technics are used on receiving satellite and receiving earth
stations to reduce fading influence to the system performances. The presence
of Rayleigh fading on receiving satellite and receiving earth stations is
observed. For this model and phase modulated signals (PSK) the system error
probability is determined.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Dragana S. Krstic was born in Pirot, Serbia. She received the BSc, MSc and
PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Faculty of Electronic
Engineering, Department of Telecommunications, University of Nis, Serbia, in
1990, 1998 and 2006, respectively. Her field of interest includes
telecommunications theory, optical communication systems, wireless
communication systems, satellite communication systems etc. She works at the
Faculty of Electronic Engineering in Nis since 1990. She participated in
more Projects which are supported by Serbian Ministry of Science. She has
written or co-authored almost 90 papers, published to International/National
Conferences and Journals.