Plenary Lecture
Artificial Social Systems for
Control Charts of Workflows

Associate Professor Calin I.
Department of Automatics and Computers
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
“Stefan Cel Mare” Universtity of Suceava
9, University str., RO720225, Suceava
Email: calin@eed.usv.ro
Abstract: We focus on the control of the performance characteristics
of workflows modeled with stochastic Petri nets (SPN’s). This goal is
achieved by introducing a new model for Artificial Social Systems (ASS’s)
behaviours. We also propose new equivalent transfer functions for SPN’s.
ASS’s exist in practically every multi-agent system, and play a major role
in the performance and effectiveness of the agents. This is the reason why
we introduce a more suggestive model for ASS’s. In order to model these
systems, a class of Petri nets is adopted and briefly introduced in the
paper. This class allows representing the flow of physical resources and
control information data of the ASS’s components. In the analysis of SPN we
use simulations in respect to timing parameters in a generalized semi-Markov
process (GSMP’s). By using existing results on perturbation analysis (e.g.,
delays in supply with raw materials, failure of equipments, etc.) and by
extending them to new physical interpretations, we analyse unbiased
sensitivity estimators correlated with practical solutions in order to
attenuate the perturbations. A few examples will emphasize these new
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Honor Member of the Romanian Society of
Electrical & Control Engineering - Member of the Romanian Technical
Experts Corp.
Technical Expert of the Romanian Ministry of
President of the Romanian Society of
Electrical & Control Engineering, Suceava Branch.
Academic Positions: Assoc. Professor, Dept.
of Automatics and Computers, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Computer Science, “Stefan cel Mare” University of Suceava, Romania.
Fields of Scientific Activities: Discrete
Event Systems, Complex Measurement Systems, Reliability and Diagnosis of
Control Systems, Environmental Management.
He published 6 books and over 120 scientific
papers in conference proceedings and journals.