Plenary Lecture
Multimedia Traffic Analysis in
the Framework of
New Generation Networks

Professor Zoran S. Bojkovic
Full Prof. of Electrical Engineering
Senior Member IEEE, WSEAS Member, EURASIP Member,
University of Belgrade, Serbia
Abstract: Multimedia traffic management is analyzed,tackig into
account some categories of this type of traffic.The emphasis is on video
traffic management techniques including a video rate control and buffering
for constant bit rate(CBR)and available bit rate(ABR).The second part deals
with connection admission control(CAC),i.e.,CAC based on peak rate
allocation,CAC based on rate envelope multiplexing,as well as CAC based on
rate sharing.Next part of this work covers resource allocation as the key
factor in achieving a certain QoS level for a connection requesting a
certain amount of bandwidth.As for bandwidth allocation,efficiency will be
performed,too.Congestion control for multicast communication , together with
multimedia traffic modeling conclude this work.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Zoran S. Bojkovic is a professor of electrical engineering at
the University of Belgrade, Serbia. Together with Prof. K.R.Rao, from the
University of Texas at Arlington,USA, he is the co-author of the
international books: " Wireless Multimedia Communications "( CRC Press, 2008
) ," Introduction to Multimedia Communications" ( Wiley, 2006 ), "Multimedia
Communication Systems" ( Prentice- Hall, 2002 ), and " Packet Video
Communications over ATM Networks" ( Prentice- Hall, 2000 ). Also, he is the
first author of the international monography " Advanced Topics in Digital
Image Processing" ( Editura Politechnica, Romania, 1997 ). He has published
in international peer-reviewed journals and particpated in many scientific
and research projects in industry, institutes and academia. He has conducted
seminars,special sessions, tutorials,keynote and plenary lectures, on
video/audio coding, standards, multimedia communications and networking,
worldwide. He is Senior Member IEEE, EURASIP and WSEAS member.Also, he is
Serbian Scientific Society member.