Plenary Lecture
Generation of Electrical Energy
with Variable Speed in Microhydro and Eolian Power Plant

Professor Sorin Deaconu
Electrotechnical Faculty
“Polytechnica” University of Timisoara
Abstract: The mini hydroelectric power plant are built to use the
flow of the small rivers .
The main disadvantage of these systems is the reduced capacity to store a
high quantity of water which should ensure the long term running of the
hydroelectric plants during the droughty periods of time.
In the periods with low flow capacities the steady speed functioning cannot
be achieved and a big quality of energy is lost.
This paper presents a mini hydroelectric plant with turbine (T) (without the
classical devices of regulate the turbine) which runs with a variable flow
capacity of water. The system uses an asynchronous generator which is
coupled to the electric network through a static frequency converter (SFC).
The frequency converter can be coupled to the network or it can run in
autonomous regime, the voltage and the frequency at its output are very
strictly regulated.
This way it can be produced electric energy at low and high flow capacities
(higher then the rated flow capacity), the gain is obvious.
The figure no.1 presents the principle scheme of the system. In the figure,
B represents the breakwater, CPT – the inlet of the feeding pipe, Q – the
flow capacity of the water, VBP – by-pass valve, Δh – the drop, VAT –
turbine access valve.
The paper proposes a computer simulation and experimental results of the
system presented.

Similary such a wind power plant functioning with variable speed can be
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Sorin Deaconu was born in 1965, graduate the Electrotechnical Faculty,
“Polytechnica” University of Timisoara in 1989. He receives his PhD degree
in Electrical Engineering in 1998 and is currently Assistant Professor at
the Electrical Engineering and Industrial Informatics Department of
Engineering Faculty of Hunedoara, “Polytechnica” University of Timisoara,
Romania. His research interests focus on improvement of performances for
classical and special electrical machines, generation of electrical energy
with variable speed in microhydro and eolian power plant, improvement of
performances for electrical variable speed drives, modern electrical
traction systems, static performance converters.
He has until now published over 130 research papers in Journals and
conferences and participate to 12 research projects.