Plenary Lecture
Improving Productivity on Working
with CNC Machine Tools

Associate Professor Badea Lepadatescu
Faculty of Technological Engineering
Manufacturing Technology Department
Transilvania University of Brasov
Abstract: The paper presents as a mathematic
support the relationship which are used at machining with CNC lathes
when is changing the carbide insert. It is showing the corrections that
must be done direct on the machine tool panel and the modifications of
the machine programme when the deviations are bigger than the part
Biography of the Speaker:
Badea Lepadatescu
Address: Str. Calea Bucuresti Nr.96, Bl.206, Sc. D, Ap. 30 Brasov,
Romania +40 268 329911
Date of birth: 22 March 1951
Work experience: 1998 to present – Assoc. Prof at Transilvania
University of Brasov
1982-1998 - Research engineer at transilvania University of Brasov
1976-1982 – Design engineer at ROMAN truck factory in Brasov