Professor Imre J. Rudas
Budapest Tech
Becsi ut 96/B
H-1034, Budapest
E-mail: rudas@bmf.hu |
Professor Rudas Imre
Budapesti Muszaki Foiskola
1034 Budapest
Becsi ut 96/B
Abstract: One of the most important and central problems of fuzzy set
theory has been the proper definition of set-theoretic (or logical)
operations. From the beginning of the theory, the 'min' for intersection and
'max' for union is very common and popular in the literature. This is due to
the fact that they have several nice properties and are easy to work with,
especially in the applications. It turned out that the justification of a
class of operations - instead of any particular one - for extending crisp
intersection (union and complementation) is more reasonable.
This recognition has lead researchers to the definition of t-norms, t-conorms
and strong negations. Generally speaking, these connectives possess reasonable
properties. But t-norms, t-conorms and strong negations can also be
interpreted as many-valued extensions of the usual Boolean logical connectives
conjunction, disjunction and negation, respectively. Thus it is natural that
their properties have to be connected and be in accordance with that of fuzzy
implications. On the other hand, if we work with binary operations and there
is no need to extend them for three or more arguments then associativity is a
very restrictive and unnecessary condition. In addition, the two variables in
the connective may have different semantics, whence the commutativity property
may also be questionable. It has also become clear that these operators do not
always follow the real phenomena and do not provide optimal performance.
These facts are very often left out of consideration. Therefore, there is a
natural need for finding new operators to develop more sophisticated
intelligent systems.
This paper summarizes the research results of the authors that have been
carried out in recent years on generalization of conventional aggregation
operators. This includes, but is not limited to, the class of uninorms and
nullnorms, absorbing norms, distance- and entropy-based operators,
quasi-conjunctions and extended means.
Brief Biography of the Speakers:
Imre J. Rudas graduated from Banki Donat Polytechnic, Budapest in 1971,
received the Master Degree in Mathematics from the Eotvos Lorand University,
Budapest, the Ph.D. in Robotics from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in
1987, while the Doctor of Science degree from the Hungarian Academy of
Sciences in 2004. He received his first Doctor Honoris Causa degree from the
Technical University of Kosice, Slovakia and the second one from
“Polytechnica” University of Timisoara, Romania.
He served as the Rector of Budapest Tech from August 1, 2003 for a period of
four years, and was reelected for five years in 2007. He is active as a full
university professor and Head of Department of Intelligent Engineering
He is a Fellow of IEEE, Senior Administrative Committee member of IEEE
Industrial Electronics Society, member of Board of Governors of IEEE SMC
Society, Chairman of the Hungarian Chapters of IEEE Computational Intelligence
and IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Societies, and Vice-chair of IEEE
Hungary Section.
He is the Vice-President of IFSA (International Fuzzy System Association), he
was the President of Hungarian Fuzzy Association for ten years, President of
IEEE Hungary Section.
He serves as an associate editor of some scientific journals, including IEEE
Transactions on Industrial Electronics, member of editorial board of Journal
of Advanced Computational Intelligence, member of various national and
international scientific committees. He is the founder of the IEEE
International Conference Series on Intelligent Engineering Systems (INES) and
IEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics (ICCC), and some
regional symposia. He has served as General Chairman and Program Chairman of
numerous scientific international conferences.
His present areas of research activity are Computational Cybernetics, Robotics
with special emphasis on Robot Control, Soft Computing, Computed-aided Process
Planning, Fuzzy Control and Fuzzy Sets. He has published books, more than 400
papers in books, various scientific journals and international conference
Janos Fodor is full professor in the Institute of Intelligent Engineering
Systems, at the John von Neumann Faculty of Informatics of Budapest Tech,
Budapest, Hungary. He has been Vice Rector for Science at Budapest Tech since
He received his Master Degree in Mathematics in 1981, and his Ph.D. in
Mathematics in 1984 from the Eφtvφs Lorand University, Budapest. He received
his C.Sc. degree from the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in 1991, and also the
Dr. Habil. degree in 2000, the latter from the Eφtvφs Lorand University. He is
Doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
He has been pursuing research in mathematical foundations of fuzzy logic,
computational intelligence, preference modelling, inference and decision
making since 1987. He is co-author of two monographs published by Kluwer and
by Springer, and of over 180 publications. He has been presented papers at
more than 100 international and domestic conferences. He has been delivered
numerous plenary and invited talks, and acted as General Chairman and Program
Committee Chair or Member at diverse scientific international conferences.
He is Area Editor of Fuzzy Sets and Systems, member of the Editorial Advisory
Board of the International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, editor
of the European Journal of Operational Research, Computing and Informatics,
Surveys in Mathematics and its Applications, Acta Mechanica Slovaca, Buletin
Automatica, president of the Hungarian Fuzzy Association, and coordinator of
the EUROFUSE EURO Working Group on Fuzzy Sets. He has been a coordinator of
several research projects. He has been Invited Professor at various
universities in Belgium, Italy, France and Spain.