| Plenary Lecture:
Mathematical Characterization of Quantum Algorithm

Assistant Professor Satoshi Iriyama
Tokyo University of Science
Quantum Bio-Infomatics Center (QBIC)
E-mail: iriyama@is.noda.tus.ac.jp
Abstract: We have studied quantum computation for many years, and defined
the generalized quantum Turing machine by using completely positive channels
and density operators on the Hilbert space. This mathematical model of quantum
algorithm gives us the new language classes in which the class NP is included
in a polynomial time class. It has also a possibility to expand the theory of
computability which has philosophical significance.
In this talk, we explain a definition of the model, the language classes, some
theorems and applications.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Satoshi Iriyama is an assistant professor in Tokyo University of Science in
Japan. His main research topics are the Quantum Algorithm which is the
algorithm of quantum computer, the Quantum Information and Bio-Informatics. He
and Professor Ohya in Tokyo University of Science proposed the mathematical
model of quantum Turing machine, called a Generalized Quantum Turing
Machine(GQTM for short), which is one of mathematical model of quantum
computation, and defined language classes defined by GQTM. They proved that
there exists a GQTM solving SAT problem, one of NP complete problems, in
polynomial time. The mathematical characterization of GQTM contains the
discussion of computability in the quantum computer.
He is also a researcher in Quantum Bio-Informatics Center (QBIC) in the
university. The main opportunity of this center is to construct a new paradigm
of Quantum Theory and Bio-Informatics. He and Professor Ohya showed the
quantum algorithm for multiple alignment of amino acid sequences which is
known as a difficult problem in Bio-Informatics. | | |