Technical Systems Sustainability Approach to Framing
Industrial Ecosystems

Professor Cornelia Aida
Electrical Machines and Environmental Engineering Department
Faculty of Electromechanical and Environmental Engineering
University of Craiova
Abstract: This study is
an attempt to demonstrate that the conceptual framework of Industrial
Ecology offers a new direction for identifying and implementing the
strategies to reduce the environmental impacts of equipments and
processes associated with industrial systems. The present industrial
metabolism, based on Earth resources depletion and environmental
destruction, should be critically reassessed from a sustainability
perspective. Within the industrial society we face a future of threats,
frustrations, limitations, and, still, hopes. The humans further
challenges are doubtless related to sustainable industrial metabolism,
an emphasis on harmoniously integrating industrial activity into
ecological systems. An approach of technical systems (created by humans)
and ecological systems (created by Nature) as parts of the same system,
the industrial ecosystem, could provide a holistic view of the
interactions and symbiosis interrelationships among human activities,
industrial practices and ecological processes. Consequently, in this
study will be pointed out the key concepts and tools suitable for the
electrically driven systems analysis within the ecosystems models
framework. By tracing the flows diagrams of energies and materials
during manufacturing processes, achieving the exergy balance equations
for different stable states of the electrically driven system and
modeling the system operation regimes, one could attempt to minimize the
environmental impacts and optimize the efficiency of material and energy
use within the industrial ecosystems. Further on, the concepts and tools
of Industrial Ecology would offer a correct orientation to replace the
present industrial culture with a sustainable development culture that
will be economically, socially and environmentally acceptable. There are
our moral obligations to accept that the industry is partly the problem,
as well as Science and techniques are the solution for an economical
development based on an industry in harmony with the environment.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Cornelia Aida Bulucea is currently an Associate Professor in
Electrotechnics, Electrical Machines and Environment Electrical
Equipments in the Faculty of Electromechanical and Environmental
Engineering, University of Craiova, Romania. She is graduate from the
Faculty of Electrical Engineering Craiova and she received the Ph.D
degree from Bucharest Polytechnic Institute. In Publishing House she is
author of four books in electrical engineering area. Research work is
focused on improved solutions for electrical networks on basis of new
electric equipments and environmental impact of energy and electric
transportation systems. She has extensive experience in both
experimental and theoretical research work, certified by over 50 journal
and conference research papers and 13 research projects from industry.
She has held in the Association for Environment Protection OLTENIA and
she is a regular invited keynote lecture for environmental engineering
symposia organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry OLTENIA. Due to
WSEAS recognition as huge scientific Forum she participated in five
WSEAS International Conferences, presenting papers and chairing
sessions. She was Plenary Lecturer in the WSEAS International Conference
on POWER SYSTEMS, held by the University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain,
September 23-25, 2008. She is very proud of her 10 papers published in
the WSEAS Conferences Books and 3 papers published in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS