Sustainability of New and Strengthened Buildings

Professor Corneliu Bob
University „Politehnica” of Timisoara
Faculty of Construction
300316 Timisoara, 2 Chopin street
Abstract: The lecture
deals with some aspects on sustainability of the new buildings and of
strengthened structures as well as with self-compacting concrete. The
first part of the presentation is devoted to the energy incorporated in
main building materials and the importance of thermal insulation, air
tightness and thermal mass of the building envelope. For the
strengthened structures, the calculated components of sustainability
like total cost of rehabilitated solution, energy used with raw
materials and consolidation time are presented. For the concrete self –
compacting with reliable workability characteristics, fast-curing grade
for precasts elements and material with significantly increased
strengths parameters have been developed to a stage where the concrete
can be used, as sustainable material, in day-to-day building practice.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Prof. Corneliu BOB, graduated at the University „Politehnica” of
Timisoara – Romania in 1961 and Ph.D. Civil Engineering in 1971 at the
same University. In 1990 he became professor of R.C. Structures and
Ph.D. – Scientific Coordinator at the Civil Engineering Faculty in
Timisoara. From 1996 till 2004 he was the Head of the National Building
Research Institute – Timisoara Branch. Professor Bob has also been very
active in the Romanian Associations for Civil Engineering: National
Association Engineering for Structural Analysis, Bucharest, Romanian
Concrete Commission, Romanian Academy – Material Science. Member of
IABSE since 1992, Prof. Bob became the member in Permanent Committee and
Commission WC-8.
Prof. Bob has had many and major contributions in the field of
Structural Engineering:
(i). He participated as designer at more than 65 structures projects. In
the last 15 years his attentions was paid to the design of the RC
prefabricated structures: 22 structures have been projected and built up
with more than 100000 m2 built surface. An important contribution of
Prof. Bob in this field was in a patent concerning the „RC prefabricated
structures with rigid nodes”.
(ii). A very important field of work was paid to evaluation and
rehabilitation of existing buildings. He participated at 75 projects of
maintenance and rehabilitation of some important structures affected by
seismic actions, gas explosions as well as time environmental factors. A
very notable contribution is the „Model of reinforcement corrosion in RC
(iii). Prof. Bob C. has published 20 books and 225 papers in Journals
and Proceedings of National and International Meetings. The field of
interest of works is: rehabilitation of structures, analysis and design
of structures, durability of buildings, new special concrete types.
Prof. Corneliu BOB played an important role in development of assessing
of existing structures and in design of new buildings and he has devoted
great energy in promoting the role of students and young engineers as
designers and researchers.