A Sustainable Feeding System for Our Future:
The Passive Greenhouse
Associate Professor
Valentina E. Balas
“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics
Associate Professor Marius
M. Balas
“Aurel Vlaicu” University of Arad
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Automation and Applied Informatics
Abstract: This
presentation is dealing with the feeding resource and the ecological
reconstruction opportunity opened by the extended use of the energetic
passive greenhouses, independent of any conventional infrastructure. We
are presenting a specific passive greenhouse configuration. The main
heating/cooling device is a heat pump. A dc wind generator and solar
panels are also included. A structural model of the passive greenhouse
is proposed.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Valentina E. Balas is currently an Associate Professor in the Department
of Automatics and Applied Informatics at the Faculty of Engineering,
University “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad (Romania). She holds a Ph.D. in Applied
Electronics and Telecommunications from Polytechnic University of
Timisoara since 2003. She is author of more than 90 research papers in
refereed journals and International Conferences. Her research interests
are in Intelligent Systems, Fuzzy Control, Smart Sensors, Information
Fusion, Modeling and Simulation.
She is Editor-in Chief to International Journal of Advanced Intelligence
Paradigms (IJAIP) and member in Editorial Boards for national and
international journals.
She participated in many international conferences as General Chair,
Organizer, Session Chair and member in International Program Committee
Dr. Valentina E. Balas has a great experience in research projects. She
is member of EUSFLAT, ACM and a Senior Member IEEE.
Marius M. Balas is currently an Associate Professor in the Department of
Automatics and Applied Informatics at the Faculty of Engineering,
University “Aurel Vlaicu” Arad (Romania). He holds a Ph.D. in Applied
Electronics and Telecommunications from Polytechnic University of
Timisoara since 2001. He is author of more than 80 research papers in
refereed journals and International Conferences. His research interests
are in Fuzzy-Interpolative Controllers, Air conditioning, greenhouses,
ABS braking and Autonomous Intelligent Cruise Control, etc.
He is member in Editorial Boards for national and international journals
and participated in many international conferences as Organizer, Session
Chair and member in International Program Committee.
Dr. Marius M. Balas has a great experience in research projects. He is
member of EUSFLAT and a Senior Member IEEE.