Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Fuzzy Type Set-Valued Integrals

Professor Anca Croitoru
Faculty of Mathematics
“Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi

Abstract: Since Aumann introduced in 1965 the integral of a multifunction, the theory of set-valued integrals has become an interesting and important topic due to numerous applications in economics, probabilities, theory of control. The lecture is focused on presenting properties of fuzzy type set-valued integrals for real functions (multifunctions respectively) with respect to a fuzzy multimeasure (fuzzy measure respectively).

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Anca Croitoru graduated the Faculty of Mathematics at “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania and received the Doctoral Degree in Mathematics in 2000 at the same university with a thesis in Romanian: Multifunctii aditive si neaditive de multime (Non-additive and additive set multifunctions), supervisor: prof. dr. Anca-Maria Precupanu. In present she is lecturer at the Faculty of Mathematics, “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi, Romania.
She is member of AMS, WSEAS, ROMAI, “Al. Myller” Mathematical Seminary
Foundation of “Al.I. Cuza” University of Iasi. She is author or co-author of 4 books (in Romanian), over 30 papers in national or international refereed journals and conference proceedings, co-editor of 7 conference proceedings. She is participant at over 40 national or international conferences and participant or coordinator of 4 national and 2 international research projects respectively.
Her research interest includes: continuity, measurability, fuzzyness, (pseudo)atoms,
non-atomicity, Darboux property in set-valued analysis, non-additive set
multifunctions, convergences of measurable functions, set-valued integrals of
different types: Dunford, Gould, fuzzy.


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