Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

An Overview of How to Make Properly Harmonics Distortions Measurements in Medium
Voltage Distribution System

Professor Liviu E. Petrean
Co-Authors: Mircea Horgos, Attila Buchmann, Liviu Petrean
Electrical Engineering Department
North University of Baia Mare
62/A, Dr. Victor Babes str.
430083 Baia Mare

Abstract: In this paper we present an overview on how to conduct properly measurements and analysis to obtain accurate results in harmonic distortions propagation. Distortion of sinusoidal voltage and current waveforms caused by harmonics is one of the major power quality concerns in electric power system. With the widespread proliferation of power electronics loads significant amounts of harmonic distortion currents are being injected into power system. The distribution system impedance, the presence of a power factor improvement capacitor bank and the amount of resistive loads in the system are three primary variables affecting the system response characteristic. Current amplifications occur at frequencies different of the resonant frequencies; three maximum values corresponding to three oscillatory frequencies were found. In order to differentiate harmonic currents due to nonsinusoidal loads from harmonic currents due to resonance involving capacitor bank a frequency-domain analysis has been performed. It presents useful recommendations on how, where and under what conditions to make measurements of harmonic distortions.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Liviu Emil PETREAN was born in Romania on 15 September 1946. He received the B.Sc. "Diploma of Merit" in Power Engineering in 1969 and the Ph. D. degree in Electromagnetic Fields in 1983 from the "Politehnica" University of Timisoara. He worked first 6 years in power engineering area. Liviu Emil Petrean is currently Professor in Electrotechnics, Protective Relaying and Power Quality in the Faculty of Engineering, North University of Baia Mare and is director of Electrical Engineering Department. His main research interests concern finite elements method in Electromagnetic Fields, Electromagnetic separation of minerals, Energy Efficiency and Power Quality. In these fields, he authored over 80 scientific papers published or presented at international or national conferences. He has extensive experience in experimental research work certified by over 30 scientific research projects, from which he coordinated 11. He is IEEE affiliate member and technical reviewer for the PIERS Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium.

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