Special Session

Special Session

Geonomics. Evaluation and Reduction of Natural Hazards. Modern Methods for Monitoring Dangerous Jobs

Dr. Dorel Zugravescu
Professor Gheorghe Manolea

Risk assessment and reduction of hail
Risk assessment and reduction of flood
Assessment and reduction of risks caused by earthquakes
Specific risk assessment of hazardous jobs in:
- Oil industry
- Chemical industry
- Manufacture of natural resources
- Mechanical engineering
- Medicine, medical analysis laboratories
Electrical equipment for potentially explosive atmospheres

Brief Biography of the Organizers:

Dr. ZUGRAVESCU Gheorghe Dorel
Born: November 25, 1930, Ramnicu Valcea
Marital Status: Married
Education: - 1948 high school graduation "Alexander Lahovari" Ramnicu Valcea --
- Institute of Mining Bucharest 1954 - engineer diploma of merit
- 1985 - Doctor
- 1986 - Doctor of Science
- 1987 - Associate Professor
In 1961 he established the Romanian Academy, Center Geodinamic Caldarusani (first collaboration between an Orthodox Church and science) and in 1990 established Geodynamics Institute Sabba S. Stefanescu of the Romanian Academy (IG "SSS" AR)
In 2001, together with academician V.N. Strakhov, director of the Institute of Earth Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, set up "International Virtual Laboratory Geodynamics and in 2004 established the IG" SSS "AR, Geodynamics Chair of UNESCO ROMANIA.
He has published over 150 papers in professional journals in the country and in abroad areas : geodynamics, understood as the science of studying the dynamics of the constituent structures of the Universe, with special regard to the planet Earth seen as a living planet; geomagnetism; electromagnetism
The founding member, holder of numerous honorary and scientific societies at home and abroad.
The present is a founding director and honorary director of the IG "SSS" AR, Head of Department of Geodinamica UNESCO - ROMANIA, Chairman of CNRGG, Chief Editor of Geophysics journals published by the Romanian Academy.
He is a member of the Romanian Academy, founding member and Head of Section of the Academy of Technical Sciences of Romania, founding member and Head of Section of the Academy of Scientists of Romania, Member of the Academy of Sciences and Arts in Chisinau and the National Academy of Science Green - Moldova, Member of the Academy German - English - Germany.

Professor MANOLEA Gheorghe
Born : 9 March 1948, Deleni, Mehedinti, Romania
Marital Status: Married
University Studies: Technical University Of Petrosani, 1970
Dissertation: A Contribution to Intrinsic Safety protection of the Automation and Telemechanic Elements in Explosive Atmosphere, 1981, Petrosani
Affiliation: University of Craiova, Romania, Faculty of Engineering in Electromechanics and Environment
Didactic Rank:
University professor teaching:- Electromechanical Drives, Basics of the creative research
Other functions:
The head of the Electromechanical department since 1992
The head of the Innovation Center and Technological Transfer of Romania since 1992
National and international recognizing
- National Order of "Merit for" Grade in the "Knight" in 2002 for the scientific research and inventiveness recognized nationally and internationally
- Bronze Medal International Fair of Inventions Geneva in 1995
- Gold Medal International Fair of Inventions and new products Brussels 1999.2000
Membership in scientific, professional si humanitarian societies
- Romanian Society of Electrical Driving, 1990,
- General Association of Engineers in Romania (1992)- president Branch Dolj, since 1997
- Romanian Society of Installation and Automation 1996
- International Federation of Inventors Associations IFIA- Geneva,1994
- Association TELELUCRU 1999
- The Association for Environmental Protection Oltenia - APMO, Romania- vice- president, 2002
- Association OLTENIA-FRANTA ,founding member ,President since 1997



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