Special Session

Special Session

Risk Management, Assessment and Mitigation Sustainable Development Economic and Legal Aspects

Professor Sache Neculaescu
Universitatea Politehnica, Bucharest
E-mail: sache_neculaescu@yahoo.com

Professor Mircea Grigoriu
Universitatea Politehnica, Bucharest
E-mail: mircea.grigoriu@gmail.com

The actual challengings of economy and general human society requires a holistic approach of all development decisions. At international and regional level, groups of countries adopt specific incentives or barriers in order to lead society development and resources exploitation in a sustainable manner. An excellent example is the climate change impact research, more and more influenced and knitted by regulatory aspects, In this situation, boundary fields of research are rising, especially in environmental and human risks management, assessment and mitigation.

Environmental risk legal and economic aspects
Sustainable development legal and economic risk issues
Economic and regulatory aspects of environmental risk assessment
Regulatory impact on risk management and mitigation
Risk assessment of Intellectual property and risk of chances

Brief Biography of the Organizers:
Professor Sache Neculaescu
Born: 19 09 1946
Licence and doctor in Legal Science
2009- prezent.Vice-dean of Social and Legal Science, University Valahia Targoviste
2004-2008. Dean of Social and Legal Science, University Valahia Targoviste
Vice-President of the College of Advocates Association of Dambovita County
In charge with international relations at the University Valahia Targoviste
Published 12 article and scientific papers
Field of competence: Risk assessment of Intellectual property and risk of chances

Professor Mircea Grigoriu
Field of expertise: pumps and pumping stations; energy efficiency; climate changes; audit of management systems; audit of energy efficiency of buildings and installations; risk assessment and management.
Member of professional bodies: Professors Council of the Faculty of Energy, University POLITEHNICA Bucharest; (RHA)Romanian Association of Hydrology; (AIIR) Romanian Association of Engineers of Installations; (IRE) Romanian National Institute for Planning and Use of Energy Sources.
Scientific activity: Researches in energy efficiency of hydraulic machineries and installations.
Publications: 3 monographies and 25 articles on the field of expertise topic.



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