The Mathematical Foundation and a Step by Step
Description for 26 Algorithms on Artificial Neural
Professor Nicolae Popoviciu
Co-author: Floarea Baicu
Hyperion University of Bucharest, ROMANIA
Abstract: We present a description of a set of 26
algorithms on neural networks and indicate the area
where the algorithms could be applied. All algorithms
are a part of the monograph (2009) Neural Networks.
Mathematical Foundation, Algorithms and Applications,
authors Nicolae Popoviciu and Floarea Baicu. Each
algorithm has its mathematical foundation and the
algorithms treat many aspects related with neural
networks. We enumerate several directions: separable
sets, supervised learning, BKP, MLP geometric algorithm,
SOM competitive learning, ISODATA , Kohonen competitive
algorithm, ART1 competitive algorithm, stock-recall
problem, sales traveling problem, c-means algorithm for
prototype vectors, RBF algorithms in batch version and
sequential version, Householder decomposition etc. All
algorithms are described step by step and are
illustrated by many numerical examples.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Popoviciu Nicolae is PhD in mathematics (from 1976),
professor at Hyperion University of Bucharest, Romania,
Faculty of Mathematics-Informatics and the dean of this
faculty. His area of competence contains: stochastic
processes and Markov decision problems, integral
transforms (continuous, discrete) and field theory,
mathematical programming and optimization models,
artificial neural networks and applications. He is the
first author of 18 books (all in Romanian language) and
the first author of 89 papers (almost all in English
language). His recently book Neural Networks.
Mathematical Foundation, Algorithms and Applications
(2009) is a monograph on the algorithms of neural
networks with application. Professor Popoviciu is member
of Romanian Society of Mathematics and member of the
Romanian Probability and Statistics Society. He has
participated to many WSEAS International Conference as
plenary speaker or author (Romania, Greece, Turkey,
Bulgaria etc.).