Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Approaching Electrical Equipments Viability within Industrial Ecology Framework

Professor Cornelia Aida Bulucea
Electrical Machines and Environmental Engineering Department
Faculty of Electromechanical and Environmental Engineering
University of Craiova

Abstract: The main purpose of this approach is to highlight that an orientation towards the future industrial metabolism requires changes in human behavior and technical patterns. Industrial Ecology is an emerging framework within Sustainable Development. The concepts, tools and goals of Industrial Ecology had to be addressed, along with the understanding that Sustainable Development is not about certificates or licenses, it needs to be about the vitality of life on Earth. Definitely, the future needs for Sustainable Development include a human moral change through education, and an industrial metabolism shift through responsible practical actions. Based on the strong conviction that Nature has so far generated life, Industrial Ecology seeks for a new approach of the industrial systems, viewed not in isolation from the Nature surroundings systems, but in concert with them. Learning from the Nature means to look forward for an analogy of the technical systems created by humans with the natural ecological systems, defining this way the industrial ecosystems. Even the understanding of Nature will be always far above the human understanding, we should try to use our knowledge about the Universe in assessing the viability of the industrial systems according to the ecosystems patterns. These models will overview the relationships between various industrial systems, as well as the interactions with the environmental systems, further on directing to feedbacks creation within the “no waste webs”. This study is focused on the electrical equipments issues, and encompasses the design and operation assessment in a way that respects the framework of Industrial Ecology. Although Science not clarified and unified technical and ecological viewpoints, to address meaningfully many of the problems facing humanity today, a set of conditions for the performance of sustainable electrical equipments must be formulated. Since exergy has a significant role to play in evaluating and increasing the efficiencies of electrical technologies and systems, this presentation goes on to adopt a dualist view, incorporating technical and environmental dimensions, to describe exergy applicability to electrical devices. Examples are used to illustrate, explain and interpret the use of exergy and embodied energy as tools to understand and minimize the environmental impacts, as well as to optimize the efficiency of material and energy use within the industrial ecosystems.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Cornelia Aida Bulucea is currently an Associate Professor in Electrotechnics, Electrical Machines and Environment Electrical Equipments in the Faculty of Electromechanical and Environmental Engineering, University of Craiova, Romania. She is graduate from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering Craiova and she received the Ph.D degree from Bucharest Polytechnic Institute. In Publishing House she is author of four books in electrical engineering area. Research work is focused on improved solutions for electrical networks on basis of new electric equipments and environmental impact of energy and electric transportation systems. She has extensive experience in both experimental and theoretical research work, certified by over 50 journal and conference research papers and 13 research projects from industry. She has held in the Association for Environment Protection OLTENIA and she is a regular invited keynote lecture for environmental engineering symposia organized by Chamber of Commerce and Industry OLTENIA. Due to WSEAS recognition as huge scientific Forum she participated in five WSEAS International Conferences, presenting papers and chairing sessions. She was Plenary Lecturer in the WSEAS International Conference on POWER SYSTEMS, held by the University of Cantabria, Santander, Spain, September 23-25, 2008. She is very proud of her 10 papers published in the WSEAS Conferences Books and 3 papers published in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ENVIRONMENT AND DEVELOPMENT, and in WSEAS TRANSACTIONS ON ADVANCES IN ENGINEERING EDUCATION.

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