Energy Labeling of Pumps and Electrical Motors
Assemblies Method
Professor Mircea Grigoriu
Romanian Cleaner Production Center
University POLITEHNICA Bucharest
313 Spl.Independentei, Bucharest-6
Abstract: For the present and the near future,
European plan for energy consumption mitigation
dedicates a consistent chapter to electrical motors
energy labeling, as a measure of energy efficiency and
environmental friendliness of these equipments. The most
adequate model for the pumps energy labeling approach
seems to be a deepening particularization of the general
installation and buildings labeling, accepted at
international level and covered by national and
international regulations. The paper presents the method
developed by the Romanian Cleaner Production Center in
cooperation with Multigama ltd., the representative of
KSB Pumps Group from Germany. The method emphases follow
ups of energy efficiency savings improvement and
environmental impact effects evaluation. There are
considered the potential extension to the whole pumping
system evaluation from the energy efficiency point of
view. The method consider the specific “electrical
motor”-“pump” operation characteristics and
restrictions, the potential of flexibility of the system
and energy mitigation limitations.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Mircea Grigoriu is assistant professor of Department of
Energy and Environmental Engineering, University
POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Romania, where he is also the
coordinator of the Hydraulic Machineries Laboratory and
director of the Romanian Cleaner Production Center. His
main research interests concern Pumping systems energy
efficiency and the energy savings and environmental
impact; Pumping systems design, operation, automatics,
diagnostics and protection; Climate changes assessment;
Management systems. In these fields, he authored or
co-authored over 50 scientific papers published in
reviewed journals or presented at international
conferences. He was minister of Environment counselor,
national focal point of the UNFCCC of Romania and now is
listed in the Roster of experts of UNFCCC. He is
technical counselor of important pumping equipments
producers. He is a redactor at the Energetica Journal
edited by the National Energy Producers Association (IEA),
representing Eurelectric in Romania.