Correlated and Interconnected Analyses for Human Walking
and Standing Biomechanical Behavior

Professor Mihaela Ioana Baritz
University Transilvania of Brasov
Fine Mechanics and Mechtaronics Department
B-ul Eroilor nr.29, 500036 Brasov
Abstract: Biomechanical analyses upon the human body
are very important within the field of rehabilitation
and locomotion recovery procedures, having a significant
impact upon the efficiency and development of the
objective investigation and assessment methodologies.
In this paper I presented a series of analyses performed
in complex investigation structures aiming each time at
the establishment of an advanced non-invasive and
objective methodology suitable for every type of
locomotion malfunction. At the same time we intended the
assessment of these malfunctions in connection with
other physiological parameters, which do not present
deflections from the normal status. We aimed at the
conception of the investigation and experimental
methodology structure in correlation to the information
obtained from the physiological analysis devices upon
the human body with those obtained from the measuring
equipments (Kistler force plate type-forces and torques
on three directions, highspeed videocam, thermovision
videocam etc)).
Human gait is the result of interactions between both
internal and external factors.
During gait performance almost all the components of the
human body are involved (nervous system, vestibular
system), but especially the inferior limbs connected by
pelvis. All the joints of the pelvic area are strained
during gait, but also during static posture in a more or
less intense way.
The objective clinical examination of the gait or
standing position represents an important study of
clinical semiology, being necessary in acknowledging the
pathology of certain afflictions and symptoms. It must
be performed on a flat ground, especially climbing up
and down the stairs, in normal parameters of the
recording conditions (temperature, environment,
humidity, atmospheric pressure) but also at different
moments of the day (morning, noon, evening).
Normal gait, normal contact of the pelvic area with the
ground may be modified by a multitude of acquired or
congenital afflictions. In order to define each type of
pathological gait we have to examine at first the entire
kinematic chain of the pelvic member (from the coxal-femoral
joint to the foot) and also simulate it on computer
software. Thus, secondary modifications show up, at the
level of the coxal-femoral joint, due to some older
pathology or to some fracture lesions or ageing process.
The designed and developed structure during this
research is based on the human gait analysis considering
the situation of changing the displacement surface level
(stairs) for neural - motor disabled persons in
different stages of the treatment (before, during and
after the medical and physical recovery treatment),
researching the evolution of the human body and the
effect of these procedures.