Functionalized Nanostructured Silica-Based Materials in
Professor Alain Walcarius
Laboratoire de Chimie Physique et
Microbiologie pour l'Environnement, UMR 7564
CNRS – Nancy Universite 405, rue de Vandoeuvre
F-54600 Villers-les-Nancy, France
Abstract: Nanocomposites made of silica-based
organic-inorganic hybrid materials displaying a regular
mesoporous structure at the mesoporous level, which can
be functionalized with appropriate organic groups, are
of particular interest for various applications [1].
They indeed provide a unique environment with high
accessibility to numerous active centers located in an
ordered and mechanically stable structure. Such
nanoreactors have recently appeared to be very promising
electrode modifiers [2] as they ensure fast mass
transport processes, which are often rate-determining in
electrochemistry. The aim of this lecture is to
highlight and discuss some recent achievements performed
at the confluence of these nanostructured materials and
electrochemistry, by focusing mainly on thin-film
Three complementary directions will be considered. The
first one relies on the usefulness of electrochemical
techniques to get information on mass transport through
ordered mesoporous films, with special emphasis on the
influence of the mesostructure type and the nature of
the redox probe on these processes [3]. The second
aspect concerns a feedback of materials science to
electroanalysis, by exploiting the attractive and
sometimes unique properties of mesoporous (organo)silica
films on electrodes to improve their sensitivity in
comparison to the non-ordered ones, when applied as
voltammetric sensing devices [4]. The third domain is
related to the use of electrochemistry to prepare thin
films of sol-gel-materials via a novel
electrochemically-driven deposition method [5], which
implies a local electrochemical tuning of pH at the
electrode/solution interface to induce co-condensation
of the precursors in a controlled way [6]. Even more
interesting is the extension of this approach to the
preparation of ordered and oriented mesoporous films
with mesopore channels oriented perpendicular to the
solid surface [7], which has proven to be very difficult
by other ways [8]. The method combines the
electrochemically-driven self-assembly of surfactants at
solid/liquid interfaces [9] and the above
electro-assisted generation process to produce sol-gel
films [6], leading to perfect alignment of the
nanoporous structures normal to the electrode surface
[7]. Both preparation and characterization of the
oriented mesoporous thin films will be described [10],
as well as their functionalization in order to be
applied in the field of electrochemical sensors [11].
Such electrochemical nanotechnology is expected to be
useful in many other applications.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Alain Walcarius received his Ph.D. from the University
of Namur (Belgium) in 1994. After a postdoctoral stay in
the Joe Wang group in New Mexico State University, he
joined the CNRS (France) as a Research Associate. He is
currently Research Director in the Laboratory of
Physical Chemistry and Microbiology for the Environment
(Nancy, France) where his analytical and
electroanalytical chemistry group works in the area of
reactions at solid/liquid interfaces. Among his actual
research interests is the intersection between the
chemistry of silica-based organic-inorganic hybrid
materials and electro(analytical) chemistry. He has
authored and co-authored about 140 papers in
international journals and conference proceedings as
well as 8 book chapters upon invitation. He is recipient
of the Tajima Prize 2006 of the International Society of