Plenary Lecture
Evaluation of Heat Shock Protein Targeting in Cutting
Edge Antitumor Therapeutics

Professor Amere Subbarao Sreedhar
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology
Uppal Road, Hyderabad 500 007, India
Heat shock proteins (Hsps) forms the most ancient
defense system of living cells. Having chaperoning
functions, Hsps are highly conserved, abundant and
ubiquitously expressed in all cells and tissues. Despite
technological advancements and enormous input on target
based drug designing to combat cancer, anticancer
treatment is still being challenged, which is due to,
tumor being a polygenic disease. Comparing with
conventional biomarker targeting, tumor specific
functions of Hsps identify them as possible markers to
target cancer. Therefore in the recent years
chemotherapeutic intervention of Hsps has emerged as
novel anticancer treatment. Induction of cytostasis or
apoptosis are the two major mechanism of action from
anticancer drugs, however, understanding the nature and
interplay of cellular factors that help in regulating
the intra-cellular functions in an orchestrated manner
can guide through target based therapies. Increasing
cancer incidences with civilization and age, furthermore
suggest a need for better understanding of cellular
environment during any chemotherapeutic intervention.
Cell killing through single drug or combinatorial
treatments though proposed to be the current concept of
anticancer treatment, cancer immunity and bystander-cell
safety opposes the hypothesis. The careful understanding
of oncogensis and tumor suppression suggests activation
of alternative cellular mechanisms to combat cancer
instead of killing, one such mechanism is forced
cellular senescence of tumor cells. I would like to
bring forth the current knowledge on Hsps and their
central cellular roles and discuss advantages and
disadvantages of Hsp targeting in anticancer treatments.
Also demonstrate the progressive outlook of Hsp
targeting from our ongoing studies and propose Hsp
targeting as tumor suppressor mechanism.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Amere Subbarao Sreedhar is a senior scientist of Centre
for Cellular and Molecular Biology, Hyderabad, India.
His research interests are molecular basis of stress
response, heat shock proteins in biology and medicine,
and evaluation of natural products for potential
anticancer effects. He has eighteen years of versatile
research experience in the areas of developmental
biology, biochemical pharmacology, cell and molecular
biology, molecular medicine, and plant biochemistry. He
is a life member of quite a few scientific societies and
editorial member of a few National and International
Journals. He published 30 research papers in reviewed
journals, wrote book chapters and edited books, and
presented 53 research papers at various National and
International meetings. He received prestigious National
and International research awards such as Japanese
Society for Promotion of Science (twice), Fast Track
Young Scientist Research award (twice), Physiological
Society award from Hungarian Academy of Sciences,
National Overseas Research Award etc., to work in
various countries and different research laboratories.