Plenary Lecture
Clinical Pharmacology in Neonates:
Extensive Interindividual Variability despite their
Young Age
Assistant Professor Karel Allegaert
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
University Hospitals Leuven
Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven
Abstract: Neonatal drug
dosing needs to be based on the
physiological characteristics of
the newborn and the
pharmacokinetic parameters of the
drug. Size-related changes can in
part be modelled based on
allometry and relates to the
observation that metabolic rate
relates to weight by a kg 0.75
trend. Until adult metabolic
activity has been reached,
ontogeny, i.e. iso-enzyme specific
maturation and maturation of renal
clearance also contributes to drug
metabolism, making iso-enzyme
specific documentation of
maturation necessary.
Changes in body composition and
ontogeny are most prominent in
neonates. The body fat content
(/kg) is markedly lower and the
body water content (/kg) is
markedly higher in neonates. These
findings have an impact on the
distribution volume of both
lipophilic and hydrophilic drugs.
Drugs are cleared either by
metabolism (metabolic clearance)
or elimination (elimination
clearance). While the first is
mainly hepatic, the second route
is mainly renal. Both hepatic
metabolism and renal clearance
display maturation in early life
although other co-variables (e.g.
polymorphisms, co-administration
of drugs, first pass metabolism,
disease characteristics) further
contribute to the interindividual
variability in drug disposition.
Documentation of these
maturational processes based on in
vivo ‘case’ studies is of value
since these drug-specific
observations can subsequently be
extrapolated to other drugs which
are either already being
prescribed or even considered for
use in neonates by the
introduction of these observations
in ‘generic physiologically based
pharmacokinetic’ models.