Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

The Importance of Mathematical Physiology
for the Future of Medical Physiology:
Some Examples From the Study of Cardiac Mechanics

Professor Rachad M. Shoucri
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Royal Military College of Canada
Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7K 7B4

Abstract: Mathematics have brought a fascinating contribution to medicine in many fields like signal analysis, statistical analysis of medical data, design of medical devices, medical imaging, study of blood flow and electrical activity of cells, laser and radiation therapy just to mention a few examples. It is becoming evident that mathematical physiology will have on the advancement of medical physiology the same impact that mathematical physics had on the advancement of experimental physics. This study will focus on some results obtained from the mathematical modeling of cardiac mechanics and the application of stress-strain analysis to the study of the contraction of the myocardium. New results have been derived that can be used for prognostic, diagnostic and prevention of left ventricular dysfunction. Possibility of implementation of those results in clinical routine work is discussed.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Rachad Mounir Shoucri was born in Alexandria, Egypt. He obtained a BSc in electrical engineering from Alexandria University in 1964, an MSc in chemistry from the Illinois Institute of technology (Chicago), and a PhD in theoretical physics from Laval University (Quebec) in 1975. He worked as an analyst at Hopital Laval, Quebec, from 1975-1981 where he became interested in mathematical physiology and cardiac dynamics. Since 1981 he is with the department of mathematics and computer science, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston, Ontario. His current research interest is in mathematical physiology and cardiac dynamics, as well as in theoretical physics.

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