To Attribute, or not to Attribute, that is the Post-Traumatic
Assistant Professor Caleb W. Lack
Department of Psychology
College of Education
University of Central Oklahoma
Abstract: A significant
number of persons worldwide will
experience a traumatic event
during their lifetime, be it
natural (e.g., tornado, hurricane,
earthquake) or man-made (e.g.,
terrorist attacks, sexual
assault). The most common
difficulty experienced after a
traumatic event is some type of
anxiety, with the group of
symptoms typically labeled
post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS)
being the most common among type.
Related or secondary problems can
include impairments in social,
academic, or employment
functioning, depression, and
substance use. Although there are
numerous evidence-based programs
and therapies designed to
alleviate PTSS, they are primarily
delivered months, sometimes years,
after the traumatic event, as only
a small percentage of those
persons exposed to a trauma will
go on to develop clinically
significant difficulties. Early
identification of those mostly
likely to develop significant
difficulties has uncovered several
variables that are predictive of
distress, including preexisting
startle sensitivity, coping
skills, depression, and
personality factors. The present
paper will discuss the results of
several quasi-experimental studies
designed to examine the role of
disaster-specific attributions in
predicting current and future
post-traumatic stress symptoms in
both school-age children and young
adults. Primary findings include
very strong predictive power for
attributions (between 36-74% of
variance in PTSS symptoms
depending on amount of time
post-disaster), particularly those
involving searching for the
meaning behind the disaster, and
this predictive ability was far
above and beyond the types of
coping skills employed, subjective
exposure, or objective exposure to
the disaster. The significance of
these findings to potential
identification of and intervention
with persons after exposure to
trauma will also be addressed.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Caleb W. Lack, Ph.D. is a licensed
clinical psychologist and an
Assistant Professor of Psychology
at the University of Central
Oklahoma. A specialist in
cognitive-behavioral therapy, he
completed a predoctoral internship
in Clinical Child/Pediatric
Psychology at the University of
Florida and earned his doctorate
in clinical psychology from
Oklahoma State University in 2006.
He is the author of over two dozen
scientific articles, books, or
book chapters and has presented
across the United States and
internationally on a variety of
topics, including the assessment
and treatment of
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and
Tourette's Disorder, stress
reactions to natural disasters,
and evidence-based psychological
practice. To learn more about Dr.
Lack or download copies of his
publications and presentations,
please visit