Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Nested Models Implemented in Nested Theories

Professor Eugene Kindler
Faculty of Science
University of Ostrava
Street 30. dubna 22, CZ - 701 03 Ostrava

Abstract: Systems developed with human influence are often facilitated by sophisticated information processing components that influence the behavior of the system itself. They can be automatic control automata and/or humans. When it is necessary exactly to model such systems (e.g. for their analysis but especially for their simulation) the desire is to have a tool for their exact describing, with a possibility to use the description in further phases of the work (namely for implementing simulation models) but also for readable communication on the concerned system with other engaged persons. Problems rise in case the described system has an information processing unit that handles an internal model of a certain system which would demand the same tool. This system can be similar to the whole system or not. Examples of the spectrum illustrating that (non-)similarity will be given.
The solution consists in building formal theories in that elements occur that are carriers of other formal theories. These "local" formal theories may use some information of the "world" in that their carriers occur, i.e. may point out from them and penetrate to the formal theory used for describing the system in that the carriers occur and that can be influenced by those carriers. In case we desire to have tools suitable applicable for implementing computer models, the formal theories can be suitable formulated in object-oriented programming languages that are also block-oriented and agent-oriented.
The characteristics of such languages that would distinguish them from "poor" programming tools will be presented, together with applications in logistics, production, graphics and environmental science.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Eugene Kindler was born in 1935, studied mathematics at Charles University in Prague, (Czechoslovakia) and then computer science at the Research Institute of Mathematical Machines in Prague. He is the author of the first Czechoslovak ALGOL 60 compiler and the first Czechoslovak simulation language and compiler (COSMO, Compartmental System Modeling). Charles University granted him PhDr in logic and RNDr (Rerum Naturalium Doctor) in the theory of programming, Czechoslovak Academy of Science granted him CSc (Candidate of Sciences) in mathematics and physics. During 1958-1966 he worked with the Research Institute of Mathematical Machines, then with the Institute of Biophysics of the Faculty of General Medicine of Charles University (until 1973) and then with the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of the same University (until 2006). In parallel, he engaged as professor of applied mathematics at a new University of Ostrava (Czech Republic) and was guest professor at the universities of Italian Pisa, American Morgantown and French Clermont-Ferrand and Lorient. Since 2006 he has been pensioned, collaborating with the same Ostrava University as external specialist in various research projects, in doctoral studies and with a rather new Faculty of art.
Beside his official work in computer science, he applied exact techniques (applied in programming language analysis) to formulate the rhythmical laws of music in free rhythm and is a director and soloist of singing group Musica Poetica specialized to the chant originated during the first millennium A.D. in Europe and certain Near East Asian countries.

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