Improving Monitoring, Control and Protection of Power
Grid Using Wide Area Synchro-Phasor Measurements

Professor Hamid Bentarzi
DGEE, FSI, Boumerdes University
When disturbances occur in power grid, monitoring,
control and protection systems are required to stop the
grid degradation, restore it to a normal state, and
hence minimize their effects. However, in wide area
power grid resulting from large extension and
interconnection with neighbor grids, classical systems
based on local independent measurements and decisions
are not able to consider the overall power grid
disturbances and then they are not able to avoid the
blackout. The introduction of the advanced measurement
and communication technologies in these systems may
provide better ways to detect rapidly these disturbances
and protect the overall grid from the propagation of the
fast-cascading outages. Indeed, the observability of the
wide area power system dynamics becomes feasible through
the use of these recent developed technologies. Using
wide area real-time synchro-phasor measurement system
based on Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs), different
types of wide area protection, emergency control and
optimization systems can be designed and implemented. In
this talk we discuss new technologies that allow wide
area grid to be well monitored, controlled and protected
against any disturbances. At the beginning, we present
the different steps which may be followed in order to
develop PMU based Wide area measurement system taking
into count quality of the power grid dynamics
observability. After that, we discuss how to improve
monitoring, control and protection integrated system for
wide area power grid. We have already designed and
implemented PMU based wide area synchro-phasor
measurement system through the use of the new
technologies as well as we have tested its performances
for showing its experimental evaluation. Besides, we
have developed some applications where these advanced
technologies have been used. We will end up this talk by
presenting our research work results related to this
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Hamid BENTARZI was born in Boumerdes, Algeria. He
received both Electrical Engineering and Magister
Degrees with honors from "Institut National
d'Electricite et d'Electronique" (INELEC), Boumerdes,
Algeria, in 1989 and 1992 respectively and Ph.D in
Microelectronic systems from "Ecole Nationale
Polytechnique" (ENP), Algiers, Algeria, in 2004. Till
1999, he was a lecturer at INELEC, Boumerdes, Algeria.
Since 1999, he has been a faculty member at the
Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering, University of Boumerdes,
Algeria. Since 2001, he has been head of research team
working in developing microelectronic systems applied to
power systems in the Signal and System Laboratory,
Boumerdes, Algeria. His current research interests are
in the fields of microelectronics, electrical protection
systems, electric energy systems and systems
reliability. He has authored and co-authored over 50
technical papers. Besides, he has been a member of
organizing and technical committee of several
conferences including WSEAS group.