Turbidity Determination using Solar Broadband Models

Professor Elena Eftimie
Department of Product Design and Robotics
Transilvania University of Brasov
B-dul Eroilor, 29, 500036 Brasov
Abstract: Attenuation of solar irradiance is
strongly dependent on conditions of the sky, cleanliness
of the atmosphere, and composition of gaseous
constituents. In a clean and dry atmospheric condition,
solar irradiance is attenuated by permanent atmospheric
constituents of air molecules, gases and ozone, whose
contents are nearly invariable. Two additional
attenuation processes, which are the absorption by water
vapour and scattering by aerosol particles, take place
in a real atmosphere. The additional attenuation caused
by these two processes is known as being due to the
turbidity of the atmosphere.
The complexity of phenomena involved in the attenuation
processes causes difficulty in computation of solar
irradiance reaching the earth’s surface, especially in
certain climatic conditions.
The study of atmospheric turbidity is important in
meteorology, climatology and for atmospheric pollution
monitoring. Information on solar irradiance on the
earth’s surface is necessary for application of solar
energy, for the determination of the amount of spectral
global irradiance for the photovoltaic cells designing
and for the selective absorbers for spectral thermal
The proposed study of the turbidity factor is carried
out in order to develop a possible method for estimating
solar radiation. In this paper, the turbidity factor is
calculated for solar radiation data from Brasov with the
intention of finding a variation model of this; all the
conclusions are very useful in the development of a
mathematical model of the solar radiation for the urban
area of Brasov.
Atmospheric turbidity is an important parameter for
assessing the air pollution in local areas, as well as
being the main parameter controlling the attenuation of
solar radiation reaching the Earth’s surface under
cloudless sky conditions. The paper proposes a study of
the Linke’s and Angstrom turbidity factors, calculated
on the basis of the meteorological data recorded during
three years, in Brasov urban area. The obtained results
will be presented as comparative diagrams (variation of
the monthly mean values depending on time).
The turbidity determination will be made using a few
broadband models and the present study will present for
every model proposed the necessary stages.
It must be mentioned that the technical literature does
not offer very accurate values of the turbidity factors;
besides, it does not take into consideration the
geographical, climatic and urban conditions specific to
Brasov area (for instance, according to specialised
literature, the monthly mean values of the turbidity
factor varies between 1.9 and 3.5).
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Elena EFTIMIE is professor at the Department of Product
Design and Robotics, from Transilvania University of
Brasov (Romania). From November 2000 she is Doctor
Engineer (MAGNA CUM LAUDE) in the field of Mechanical
Engineering; the title of the Ph.D. thesis: Researches
concerning the functional performances of the safety
intermittent automatic clutches. As academic positions,
from October 2006 – present, she is Professor at
“Transilvania” University of Brasov, Department of
Product Design and Robotics; from October 2003 –
September 2006: Senior Lecturer; from February 1999 –
September 2003: Lecturer; from September 1995 – February
1999: Professor assistant; September 1992 - September
1995: Laboratory Instructor. Regarding her scientific
activities, she authored or co-authored 107 scientific
papers published in reviewed journals or presented at
international conferences (58 scientific papers as first
and single author, 41 scientific papers at international
conferences, 31 scientific papers published abroad, 12
monographs, 5 as single author and 1 as first author, 25
research projects of which 2 as project manager).
Concerning other activities there are mentioned: she was
Teaching Professor, 6-17 July, at RESchool 2009,
Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Chania,
Greece and she is Vice-President of Brasov subsidiary:
Romanian Association of Mechanical Transmission.