Plenary Lecture

Plenary Lecture

Impact of Wastewater Slops in Mangalia Harbour Area

Professor Mariana Panaitescu
Constanta Maritime University
Environmetal Department


Abstract: The human economical activities which are developed inside outside of Mangalia harbor areas affect phisycal and biological environmental parameters.There were monitoring small and big impure sources which are present in area Mangalia.The evaluation and establishment of maritime environmental pollution level and the negative impacts of Mangalia economical port activities were accomplished by monitoring systems.The point of monitoring was delimited from 28,56 0 E to 28,640 E latitude and 43,780 N to 43,840 N longitude.
In this paper we present the evolutions of general indicators, like:the evolution of marine water transparency, the temperature of marine water, salinity, dissolved oxygen, and the evolutions of eutrofization indicators, like: total anorganic nitrogen, silicats, biochimical parameters, heavy metals, total hydrocarbons in period 2003-2008.
In the final paper we present the national measurements which must applied to reduce the pollution in this harbor Mangalia areas and to resolve the critical problems for to harmonise sustainable strategies.

Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Panaitescu Mariana was born in Romania, Constanta, B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering, specialization Hydraulic Machines, Bucharest Politehnica University, 1984.
PHD. Eng. In Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics, Bucharest Politehnica University, 1997
Master Science in Environmental Economy and Management, Ecological University Bucharest, 2007
B.Sc. in Medicine, specialization Balneal Physiotherapy and Medical recover, Constanta Ovidius University, 2009
He is Full Professor at Department of Environmental Scieces, Electromechanical Faculty, Constant MaritimeUniversity.
She graduaded different environmental courses: The principles of management,Control and quality management,human resources management,Harbour services management,Environmental port management, Training instructor, Building administrator, Naturist medicine.
She is certified TUV SUD GERMANY Environmental Internal Auditor ISO 14001and
TUV SUD GERMANY Quality Internal Auditor ISO 9001.
Occupational skills covered: Hidraulics and Hidraulic Machines engineer,Environmental and economical manager,VET Instructor for Emergency management,VET Instructor for Environmetal management systems,Maritime Prevention Pollution Instructor course Mo6, Environmental management manager, physiotherapeut.
Research interests include Fluid mechanics, Computational Fluids flows,Waterwaste Treatment, Prevention soils pollution, Prevention Marine environmental pollution, Ecological Engineering, Health and Environmental.
She is Manager of Constanta Maritime University Environmental Integrated Management
She is Editor-in-Chief of the ECOZOOM , environmental Magazine of Constanta Maritime University
She was Reviewer for the 4th International Conferrence Maritime Transport 2009, Barcelona
She was Chaiman of 13th Congress of International Maritime Association of the Mediterranean, 2009 Istanbul, Turkey
Dr. Panaitescu Mariana is member of Romanian Tensometry Association from 1997, member of SPERIN( Society for promotion of renewable, inexhaustible and new energies), from 1999, member IMAM, 2000,member of Scientifical European Foundation,2004, member of Romanian Society for Biochiemy and Molecular Biology, 2006, member of Romanian Environmental Association, 2009.



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