Plenary Lecture
Glocal Control: Realization of Global
Functions by Local Actions

Professor Shinji Hara
Department of Information Physics and Computing
The University of Tokyo
Recently, systems to be treated in various fields of
engineering including control have became large and
complex, and more high level control such as adaptation
against changes of environments for open systems is
required. One of the distinguished features in such
large scale dynamical systems is that our available
actions of measurement and control are restricted
locally although our main purpose is to achieve the
desired global behaviors. This motivates us to develop a
new research direction so called "Glocal Control," which
means that the global purpose is achieved by only local
actions. At the beginning of this talk the idea of
glocal control is explained through real world
requirements in meteorological phenomena and biomedical
systems. We then introduce a new framework for
hierarchical multi-agent networked dynamical systems and
show some fundamental results on stability and
cooperative stabilization. Theoretical analysis for
periodic oscilation phenomena in gene regulatory netwoks
is also presented as an application.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Shinji Hara was born in Izumo, Japan, in 1952. He
received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in
engineering all from Tokyo Institute of Technology,
Tokyo, Japan, in 1974, 1976, and 1981, respectively. In
1984, he joined Tokyo Institute of Technology as an
Associate Professor and has served as a Full Professor
for ten years. Since 2002 he has been a Full Professor
of the Department of Information Physics and Computing,
The University of Tokyo. His current research interests
are in robust control, sampled-data control,
decentralized cooperative control for multi-agent
dynamical systems, glocal control and computational
aspects of control system design. Dr. Hara received the
George S. Axelby Outstanding Paper Award from the IEEE
Control System Society in 2006 and Best Paper Awards
from The Society of Instrumentation and Control
Engineers, Japan (SICE) several times. He was the
General Chair of the CCA04, the Program Co-Chair of the
17th IFAC World Congress in Seoul, and Associate Editor
of several international journals including IEEE Trans.
on Automatic Control and Automatica. He was the
President of SICE last year, and he is currently the
Vice-President of the IEEE CSS, and Fellow of IEEE and