Large-Scale Ambient Intelligence
Professor Peter Mikulecky
Department of Information Technologies
Faculty of Informatics and Management
University of Hradec Kralove
Rokitanskeho 62, Hradec Kralove
Czech Republic
Abstract: According to a common understanding,
Ambient Intelligence (AmI) aims to make digital devices
so embedded and natural that we use them without even
thinking about them. This emergence has been naturally
paved by the research and technological advances in
wireless sensor networks, embedded systems, mobile
computing, distributed computing and communication.
There is a number of recent applications, mostly
intended for upgrading the intelligence of interior –
intelligent homes, health care in hospitals or houses
for elderly, intelligent classrooms, offices. However,
it is also possible to think about large-scale ambient
intelligence implementations, going outside the homes,
outside internal spaces, into the environment, beyond
the geographically restricted scenarios.
The notion large-scale ambient intelligence was used
already in such a sense, where the users are able to
acquire whatever, whenever and wherever. This would
realistically allow to be truly mobile and allow the
resources to be truly distributed (and thus ambient),
rather than carrying out intelligent gadgets along with
users. That is, in addition to incorporating
intelligence in sensor nodes within a sensor network,
the idea of large-scale ambient intelligence proposes to
take this vision to the next level where these
geographically distributed intelligent sensor networks
become intelligent sensor resources that are accessible
to the users anytime-anywhere.
In our talk we wish to bring an overview of recent
activities and research in the area of large-scale
ambient intelligence, including also some ideas about
possible applications, namely in various environmentally
sensitive cases. As an example we shall mention possible
applications for such areas as water management, forests
management, or disaster prevention. A number of recent
approaches and a couple of recent interesting results in
this challenging area will be presented as well.
Brief Biography of the Speaker:
Prof. Dr. Peter Mikulecky is a professor of Managerial
Informatics at the Faculty of Informatics and Management
at the University of Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic,
since 1993. He have been the head of the Department of
Information Technologies since 1994, recently he acts
also as Director for Research and Director of
Postgraduate Studies at the same faculty. In the period
of 1990 to 1993 he was the head of Department of
Artificial Intelligence, Faculty of Mathematics and
Physics at the Comenius University in Bratislava,
Slovakia, where he worked in various positions since
1973. Recently he is also a member of the Accreditation
Commission of the Government of Slovak Republic (since
2004) responsible for accreditations of Slovak higher
educational institutions. Research of Professor
Mikulecky covers ambient intelligence, artificial
intelligence, knowledge-based systems and technologies,
knowledge management, as well as human – computer
interaction. He has published more than 150 papers in
various journals and conference proceedings in these
areas, as well as a number of books and book chapters.
He was one of the founders of a regular series of events
called Ambient Intelligence Forum; he is also a member
of programme committees for a number of international
conferences. Professor Mikulecky is also a member of a
number of scientific societies and scientific boards.